AMEN – The Beginning of the Creation of God

AMEN-Creation of God

Hello dear reader,

I begin this article with Figure 1, which provides an overview of how mankind developed the belief in one-universal God.  Few people have had the benefits of being taught history of ancient civilizations and it’s for certain that religious leaders of the Judaic, Christian and Islamic faiths have not instructed their followers about the beginnings of their beliefs.  To learn how these religions developed their beliefs based upon facts and findings, I begin with an opening statement by Jesus Christ from Revelation 3:14, wherein he acknowledged Amen as the beginning of the creation of God.

These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness,              the beginning of the creation of God.

The words of Jesus are profound, albeit, a revelation that has not been acknowledged by Judaic, Christian and Islamic religious leaders.  And yet, they and their followers announce Amen at the end of a prayer, supplication, giving thanks, asking for His protection in challenging times, and reverently sing His name in houses of worship.

It is not my intent to alter your beliefs.  My objective is to inform and educate people about facts that have been surfaced by scholars of religion and highly respected Egyptologists.   They have sacrificed their time and given their lives to surface facts and findings that religious institutions, through ignorance or intent, have not revealed to their followers.

I take you back through the centuries to provide a history of one of the greatest civilizations built by mankind.  In the lands of Egypt, along the Nile River, entered Africans who built homes, irrigation canals, pyramids,  and temples where they worshipped many different gods.  But it was through their beliefs in renewal of the Nile each year that evoked the wonder and veneration for those gods that enriched their lives.  It would be an injustice for me to write in an article a history of how the Africans, later to be called Egyptians after the name of their country, developed the belief in many gods.  They have left a legacy of advancing their multible god beliefs into one-universal God and establishing the first formal religion, which is documented on the walls of their temples, pyramids and obelisks.

For a detailed history of Ancient Egypt, I recommend James H. Breasted book, A History of Egypt.  This book served as the groundwork, along with books  by other great scholars and Egyptologists, that served to widen my knowledge about the beginning of man’s belief in God and the growth of the major religions of today.  To wet your appetite for further study, I have provided Figure 1. Hopefully, it will motivate your curiosity to read Future of God Amen and AMEN, the Beginning of the Creation of God.   These books offer a perspective of man’s development in the belief in God and  bibliographies of the many outstanding books whose authors gave me the gift of knowledge I now impart to you.  Overviews and book reviews are presented on website:

Referring to Figure 1, 2600 BCE, I introduce you to the hymn, The Creation by Atum.  Major extracts of this hymn, as with the others that will be mentioned, are provided in the two books referenced above.  Atum was the first god that created the first four gods of the Great Ennead (nine gods): Shu, god of air; Tefnut, god of moisture; Geb, god of earth; and Nut, goddess of the sky.  The Priesthood advanced the idea that their city god Atum-Kheprer, who rose out of the waters of chaos (Nun), brought the first gods into being.   This was a very perceptive concept that recognizes Atum as emanating from two important elements, the heat of the sun, associated with Kheprer and water, associated with Nun.  The Egyptian mind was resourceful and reflective to include the gods of air (Shu) and moisture (Tefnut); for without the elements of air and moisture, life, as we know it, could not be sustained.

A thousand or more years later, between 1550 and 1350 BCE, The high priests of Amon in Thebes wrote A Hymn to Amon-Re.  It professes joy in praise of Amon-Re to the height of heaven and the width of the earth.  With this hymn the Priesthood centralized and unified their religion by worshiping Amon-Re as the supreme god who was the “Maker of all Mankind, Creator and Maker of all that is.” 

By 1370 BCE, Amenhotep IV was the first pharaoh to break with the priesthood’s worship of multiple gods by transforming the sun god Amon-Re into a personal god named Aton, a god that creates and sustains life in all the earth.  Re still was part of the dominate belief of the sun for life on earth but now was envisioned as waves of heat portrayed as emanating hands of life.

Ikhnaton and Nofretete Worshiping Aton

Figure 2.  Amenhotep IV (Ikhnaton) and Nofretete worshiping Aton.

It was during the reign of Ramses II, circa 1270 BCE,  that the Priesthood of Amon wrote, Amon as the Sole God.   The ingenuity of the Egyptian Priesthood cannot be overlooked; with this hymn, they were able to establish Amon as the universal and sole god by advancing the belief that he came into being at the beginning, gave birth to Re and completed himself as Atum, a single body with him.  They therefore closed the circle by linking Amon with Atum, the first Egyptian god; more than 1400 years later.

But an observation needs to be made that it was only twenty years later, in 1250 BCE, that Moses walked out of Egypt extolling the one god belief.  He wrote the Book of the Covenant, which preceded the development of the Torah, The Five Books of Moses, that were started in 950 BCE and  finalized around 444 BCE by Erza and Nehemiah.

Both referenced Amen books above present a detailed history of how the Egyptian Priesthood developed the first one-universal god belief and how people from other lands emulated that belief, which led to the formation of the three major religions.  This one-god belief incorporates many of the Egyptian beliefs which were emulated by the Hebrews, Christians and Moslems.  Such as the belief in a soul, a hereafter attained upon leading a righteous life, a Son of God (the Pharaoh), and after the worship of many gods, the apex of belief – one universal God.

Not acknowledged by religious scholars and leaders is that eight of the Ten Commandments, and many others, were already followed by the Egyptians.  But one of the greatest beliefs, the belief in a soul, originated with the first god of Egypt, Atum.   Many people have assimilated this very complex belief as a natural part of their spiritual beliefs.  However, very few people know where and when this powerful belief in a soul evolved.  The Creation by Atum described Atum’s ka as being imbued into his creations.  It is fair to reason that the concept of a soul, called the ka, was expressed by the Egyptian priesthood with their hymn extolling Atum’s creation.

The idea of a ka had emerged before or during the life of King Ka, who existed a few generations before the start of the First Dynasty, which Egyptologist James H. Breasted dates as 3400 BCE.  By the Sixth Dynasty, approximately eight hundred years later, the priesthood had incorporated the belief of the ka, or soul, in The Creation by Atum. The creation hymn reveals that all created things are protected by the ka of Atum.  Let us visit the lines that state that this creator god put his own vital force into his first creatures.

Thou didst put thy arms about them as the arms of a ka, for thy ka was in them.

To be endowed with an internal force or spirit called the ka from the creator god Atum had a spiritual significance. This vital source must be what gave the created object its unique characteristics or its special force.  Scholars of Egyptian history believe that the ka represents the alter ego, a guardian spirit, or the vital force of personality.  Since the god Atum puts his ka into his creations, it identifies their unique characteristics and attributes. That is, the ka provides those attributes that uniquely form the totality of a living or material substance.  In essence, the ka represents the total makeup of glandular, physical, and mental functions that defines humans and their personality.

I diverged from Figure 1 after indicating that it was Moses’ Book of the Covenant that led to the development of the Torah, also referred to as The Five Books of Moses.  It was the Judaic religion that gave birth to the Christian religion and how that evolution occurred has been documented in the two Amen books mentioned above.  It was Jesus Christ, a man of God, who referred to himself 76 times in the four Gospels as the Son of Man.  He announced a revelation in The Revelation of Saint John that Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religious leaders have not acknowledged throughout the centuries, and continue to be silent even today.

In Revelation 3:14, Jesus proclaimed Amen as, “the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.”   It is not my interest to change or debate your beliefs for our minds are made up with many different inputs that form our intellect and views.  I only desire to present what I have learned for your own evaluation.  By comparing your instilled values with new information, you may be able to have a greater appreciation for differences that exist and resolve them with logic.

By reading the referenced Amen books, you can gain information to assess and determine if Jesus has indeed provided a revelation for all of us to examine and evaluate as being true.  Much of what I have written in this article may be new to you and therefore difficult to absorb.  Beliefs that have been ingrained into our lives are very difficult to analyze with logic.  But only with facts and findings from the past can we surface the truth.  I will be honored to answer any questions or comments about the contents and findings of this article. Do not hesitate to provide a comment, pro or con; for by presenting our views we will be able to reach a higher level of truth.  Hopefully, such greater understanding will bring peace of mind to those who have conflicting beliefs that need to be resolved.

Before I leave you with an extract of a paper published by the Chute Institute, I would like you to reflect on the main themes presented in the book trailer for Amen.

The paper urges our educational institutions to teach our youth about the beginnings of Mankind’s belief in God and how our major religions evolved.  It is through understanding of the past, and an honest, truthful assessment of facts and findings, that we can proceed in our spiritual development and our quest to learn about God.  To achieve this objective, I have provided below an abstract  of the Chute Institute paper titled, Provide History of Religion and God.   It is available on the Internet via the link below:

ABSTRACT Provide History of Religion and God

There is a need for high school, college, and university educators to introduce their students to a history of mankind’s development of religions and beliefs in God.  Regarded as too sensitive a subject, students are deprived of learning how mankind has evolved ways to establish moral and righteous behavior to maintain harmony among competing groups within a growing community.  Based upon facts and findings surfaced by such respected Egyptologists as James H. Breasted and E.A. Wallis Budge, this author conclusively reveals how the first formal religion of Egypt has been emulated by the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions.  Historical findings provide meaningful evidence of the spiritual nature of man, the emergence of one God Amen, the development of the concepts of truth, a soul, hereafter, Son of God, and a universal God. These findings afford greater insights in the fields of theology, humanities, psychology, and sociology studies. More importantly, a greater understanding of the nature of man can energize religious leaders and the public to effect possible solutions with the assistance of those with perceptive minds and love of humanity.

A WAY to END Islamic Terrorism

Many people have a fear of Muslims due to mass killings by terrorist extremists in America, France, England, and Germany, to name a few countries whose culture and way of life are being threatened.  Muslims are human beings that have the same feelings, wants, and desires that other people have but there is a difference.  It is their value system and sense of morality that is different.  It is driven by an ideology set in the Qur’an and implemented by Sharia law.  The impact that these Islamic documents have on the Muslim people requires a brief history of Islam’s history, which is presented in the novel Allah, We, Our and Us.  It reveals that from the very beginning of its inception, Islam instilled an ideology that causes the Muslim mind to believe that Islam is the “Religion of Truth” and that Allah will “make it prevail over every other religion” (Qur’an 9:33).

Muhammad’s revelations were complied by his Companions to assemble the Qur’an.  It was used to unite the many Arab tribes with a unified belief in One God, Allah. But religious leaders forced this belief by conquering many people in other countries.  History verifies that they established a Theocratic Empire by 750 CE by taking the land and wealth of conquered countries.  Indoctrinated with the belief that Islam is the religion of truth and shall prevail over every other religion (Qur’an 9:33), Islamic armies forced people of conquered countries to submit to Islam with just three alternatives, complete allegiance to Allah, pay a tax to survive with your own beliefs, or die by the sword.

The belief that Islam will prevail over every other religion promotes a sense of superiority over worshippers of other religions.  A superiority that is similar to the German indoctrination that they were a master race, which ignited WWII and the mass murder of millions of Jews.  What insidiously transforms Muslim minds is that this belief associates them with Allah.    The novel, Allah, We, Our and Us reveals that throughout the Qur’an Allah is referred to as “We, Our and Us.”   It causes Muslims to subconsciously associate themselves with Allah, which creates a feeling of unity with the Creator and the compulsion to impose this unity on all people with the altruistic belief that they are promoting the integration of mankind with the Creator.

This compulsive belief is indoctrinated into many Muslims whereby they want to impose their religion on all people in the name of Allah.  The outcome of this ideology has caused the deaths of over 3,411 American civilians, firemen and law officers due to Muslim extremists that flew planes into the New York twin towers and Pentagon on September 11, 2001.  As revealed by Islam’s past history, it is this Islamic ideology, embedded in the Qur’an, that has caused the destruction of many towns and cities of many countries.

An Overview of Islam’s History

Contrary to the pronouncement by President Obama that Islam is a religion of peace, history reveals this is a lie promulgated on the American people.  After the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632 CE, Islamic armies conquered many lands to become an Islamic Empire by 750 CE.  Muslims conquered the Byzantine and Persian empires, and along the Mediterranean, across Christian lands and as far west as Spain, they conquered all of North Africa, which included its east coast down to the island Madagascar.  This conquest extended further east to the northern half of India.  Islamic conquests were never through peaceful means; conquered people were forced to convert to Islam, pay a tax to survive with their own beliefs, or die by the sword.

Figure 1 illustrates the expansion of the Islamic Empire throughout the Eastern world by 750 CE, a period of only 118 years after Muhammad’s death.  In today’s world, President Obama’s lie becomes sadly relevant as the ideology of Islam has grown like a cancer and has become a threat to all freedom loving countries.

The Islamic Empire from 632-759 CE

Figure 1.  The Theocratic Islamic Empire by 750 CE.

Islamic Terrorism in the Modern World

Americans and people around the world are starting to wake up that the ideology of Islam produces Islamic extremists with an objective to dominate the world.  On October 31, 2015, Russia felt the arm of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) reach out by downing a Russian plane with a bomb over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula killing 224 people.  A series of ISIS planned terror attacks in Paris France on November 13, 2015 caused the brutal murder of 141 people and wounding 352.  A day after the Paris attack, France declared war against ISIS and launched its biggest bombing raid in Syria.

On December 2, 2015, a terrorist attack by two Islamic Muslims killed 14 and injured 21 people in San Bernardino California. This stunned the American people even though it was not as lethal as the 9/11/2001 terror attack, which caused the deaths of more than 3,400 Americans.  These terror attacks make it very clear that it is the ideology presented in the Qur’an, implemented with Sharia law, that has transformed the minds of Muslims to exhibit bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people.  Due to their ideology, wherever Muslims migrate, such as England, France, Germany and Belgium, they are unable to assimilate the values, civic laws, and culture of another country.

Figure 2 illustrates the ideology of the Islamic religion is to prevail over every other religion and eventually dominate the world.  This ideology leads Muslims to reject the norms, values, laws, culture, and morality of another country.  The Qur’an incorporates an ideology that runs counter to the American Constitution and the freedoms of many democratic countries.

More Islamic Torerance

Figure 2.  Islamic ideology seeks to establish religious dominance.

To examine many of the passages that cause many Muslims to become bigoted, hateful of those that follow another religion, resort to violence when the Qur’an or prophet is slandered, and murder people who have religious beliefs refer to the novel Allah, We, Our and Us.  It is presented as a FREE read on the Iran Politics Club website.  It is the passages in the Qur’an that infect unsuspecting minds to be totally committed to their god Allah.

Abominable Beliefs in the Qur’an

To assist the reader to understand the ideology of Islam, a highly respected translation of the Qur’an has been provided by the Honorable Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, published in Great Britain by Curson Press Ltd in 1970.  Those of you who desire to read the sura verses in full should obtain a copy of the Honorable Zafrulla Khan translation.  It would serve as a superb reference of the Qur’an because it is one of the earliest translations that has not been altered to be politically correct.

To fully comprehend many suras (verses) that highlight bigotry, hatred, violence, murder of innocent people, and clearly indicate the Qur’an was assembled by Muslim men who wrote many of its verses, the book Obama, Islam and Benghazi is recommended.  It provides a history why Islam is the source of discontent in many countries; reveals the ideology of the Qur’an that incites bigotry, hatred, violence and murder of innocent people; describes how Muslims are indoctrinated with the belief that “We, Our and Us” is Allah; presents details of the Benghazi attack in Libya, and contains thirty-seven questions that should be addressed by the Select Committee on Benghazi.   This book may be accessed as a FREE read by going the Iranian Politics Club website:


Islam is not a religion of peace.  No other religion but Islam advocates in the Qur’an that Islam will prevail over all other religions.

Islamic religious leaders MUST revise the Qur’an to eliminate its abominable ideology.   If the Qur’an is NOT revised, Americans should shut down mosques and exclude Islam as a religion in the United States.

This Islamic ideology threatens all religions in the United States and around the world.

The U.S. must prohibit any Muslims to enter the United States if they insist on following the Qur’an and Sharia law.

It would be foolish to endanger the safety and lives of Americans with an influx of Muslim immigrants when the United States is threatened by an Islamic ideology that is incompatible with its own constitutional laws and undermines the existence of other religions.

There is a Solution for Islam to be Accepted by All Countries.

Let it be known:

>> To revise the Qur’an is No Easy Solution. But only by revising this holy book can change occur.

>> Islamic religious leaders MUST revise their Holy Qur’an. 

>>The only peaceful solution is to revise the Qur’an with God’s greatest commandLove one another.

>> If Muslim leaders are unable to revise the Qur’an, then Muslims must replace them with compassionate, perceptive leaders to revise the Qur’an.

To ignore this solution, World War III is inevitable.  If abominable behavior cannot be changed with love, then the elimination of Islam is the only alternative.

To STOP Islamic expansion the Qur’an needs to be exposed world- wide so that Muslims understand that the Qur’an Must be Revised.

3 Step Process to Expose the Qur’an

1.  Reveal the Abominable Verses in the Quran

Initiate and spread a powerful advertising campaign with the resources of wealthy business leaders, financially endowed humanitarians, government agencies such as the FBI and CIA, and of course, the National Media in America. Many countries must join in such a communication campaign. Their objective is to inform people WHY Islam is a danger to peace-loving people and EXPOSE the Qur’an abominations.

The link below provides conclusive reasons why the Qur’an must be revised.

2.  Initiate an Islamic Reformation

By exposing the many abominations of the Quran, people and Muslims around the world will become cognizant of the need to rise up against the established imams, mullahs, and caliphs with the objective to revise the Quran. Exposure of the abominable verses will reveal that the Quran is NOT perfect and that a Party of Men use the Quran to control and subjugate Muslim followers. They will learn that Islam has grown into a world religion not by acceptance of other people but by force taking their lands, wealth, and killing innocent lives. To avoid death by the sword, families were given the option to pay a tax to stay alive for not converting to Islam.

Why an Islamic Reformation is needed is provided in the link below.

3.  Revise the Quran to Advocate Love One Another

Opposing reasons to revising the Qur’an are: Muslims are too ignorant to read the Quran; both moderate and extremist Muslims follow the Quran line-by-line; the Quran is forbidden to be revised; most educated Muslims have not totally read the Quran in depth to understand its true nature; indoctrination of many Muslims occurred at such a young age that education of other world and philosophic views cannot change their minds.

Religious leaders have developed rules to have people live in harmony with one another. However, people should realize that religious beliefs are not cast in concrete never to change. As people become more knowledgeable about themselves and the universe they must also update beliefs and rules that were useful ages ago.

The Egyptian Priesthood of Amon revised their religious beliefs many times. They advanced their beliefs from the worship of many gods to one-universal God.   Modern man should be able to resolve the religious quagmire created by Islamic religious leaders who insist that the Qur’an is Perfect.

Religious scholars and many Islamic apostates have lost their lives because they could not overcome the ignorance that it is forbidden to change the Qur’an. This ignorance has created a serious world problem due to a lack of Islamic history and knowing the TRUTH about the many abominations in the Qur’an. Is education the solution as proposed in the paper,

Provide History of Religion and God?


The author welcomes your comments and will respond to any concerns and questions.  Debate and discussion is the best way to air differences and arrive at sensible and logical conclusions.

A press release for this article may be read on the following link:

Will Islam Fuel World War III?

On April 6, 2009, according to President Barack Obama, “The United States is not and will never be at war with Islam.”  He believes, “Islam is a religion that preaches peace.”  For an educated man, Obama has had a poor schooling of the history of Islam.  He appears to be unaware that after the death of Muhammad in 632 CE, in only 29 years, the fifth Muslim leader, Muawiya ruled a Muslim empire that extended over an enormous territory, stretching from India to Spain.

The first caliph had been concerned only with spreading Islam among the Arabs in Saudi Arabia.  Motivated by power and wealth, by 750 CE, the Muslim leaders forced conversion to Islam in all conquered territories by presenting two alternatives: death by the sword or pay a tax.  The Islamic Empire extended from the Byzantine and Persian empires, and continued along the Mediterranean as far west as Spain and all of North Africa, including its east coast down to the island Madagascar, and further east to the northern half of India.

The history of Islam verifies that it is a religion that has grown by taking the wealth of other countries, will not tolerate the existence of other religions, and forced conversion to Islam not through peace and love but by the choice of death or pay a tax to survive.  History and events in our current world reveals that Islam is not a religion of peace.

All Muslims are taught the Qur’an, which is implemented by Sharia law.  The Qur’an has many passages that incite: bigotry against Jews, Christians and other religious groups; hatred for those who worship a god other than Allah; violence and murder of those who slander the prophet Muhammad, and the murder of apostates, homosexuals, or are of another faith.  A brief history of Islam and many passages in the Qur’an that cause Muslims to hate and kill people of other religions is provided in Allah, We Our and Us published by Hancock Press.  It describes how Muslims are taught to believe they have the only true religion and that Islam will prevail over all other religions.  In light of the history of Islam and the abominable passages in the Qur’an, we must question why does Obama publically proclaim Islam is a religion of peace?

The unrealistic belief by Obama that Islam preaches peace may be due to his indoctrination of the Qur’an.  As a young boy in Jakata, Indonesia, he was registered as a Muslim in elementary school and was taught daily to read and write in Arabic, read and recite the Qur’an, and study the laws of Islam.  This early indoctrination has greatly influenced his affinity for Islam and the Muslim people.

Only two weeks after the Benghazi attack in Libya, on September 25, 2012, Obama announced at the UN General Assembly,

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

This threat at an international forum warns all countries that their future is in jeopardy if the prophet of Islam is slandered.  Is Obama truly a Christian when he strongly supports an Islamic prophet knowing hundreds of thousands of Christians have been killed by Islamic extremists?  It would be expected that a Muslim leader would have made such a pronouncement.  It is unconscionable that Obama, a United States President, would issue a threat to all countries on behalf of an Islam prophet.

A lack of Islamic history and Obama’s early indoctrination of the Qur’an may be reason for his arrogance to proclaim Islam is a religion of peace.  Such arrogance may explain why he initiated the Obama-Iran Nuclear Deal, which infuses 150 billion dollars into Iran’s economy and allows them to pursue development of a nuclear bomb.  This deal was negotiated while Iranian leaders and Muslims chanted, “Death to America and Death to Israel!!” Does Obama care about the security of the United States or the growth of Iran and the acceptance of an Islamic ideology by Americans?

According to Obama, “The United States is not and will never be at war with Islam.”   However, WWIII will become a reality by the incessant advance of an Islamic cancer that has already destroyed cities in many countries.  Two of many verses in the Qur’an, clearly show how the minds of Muslims are indoctrinated to kill those who do not follow Islam:

Sura 7:5-7: Little is it that you heed. How many a town have We destroyed! Our punishment came upon their dwellers by night or while they slept at noon.  When Our punishment came upon them all they could utter was: We are indeed wrongdoers.

Sura 7:97-100: We afflicted them suddenly with chastisement, while they perceived not the cause thereof. If the people of those towns had believed and been righteous, We would surely have bestowed blessings upon them from heaven and earth, but they rejected the Prophets, so We seized them because of that which they did.

War will commence after Iran and militant Islamic extremists have grown to such an extent by aggressive force that many free-loving countries will have to defend their people and land by fighting back.  The U.S and its allies will, out of necessity, fight those countries supporting Islamic terror because they will have no alternative.

In addition to the U.S., Israel, Germany, France, Canada, Spain, Australia, Russia, China, United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Norway, Finland, Bulgaria, and even Egypt and Jordan may become part of the coalition force to combat Islamic aggression.  Many countries have already felt the threat and loss of their sovereignty as Muslims migrate into their lands and refuse to integrate and accept their laws and cultural values.  This outcome has been documented in the October 2015 publication of Obama, Islam and Benghazi.

Islam Ideology may cause World War III.

War is the alternative if Islamic religious and political leaders do not acknowledge that it is their ideology taught from The Qur’an and implemented with Sharia law that must be revised.  No scripture should exist that teaches it is the only true religion, the religion of truth, and will prevail over all religions (Qur’an 9:29 and 9:33).

Islam will never be a peaceful nation as it is bound by The Qur’an and Sharia law to spread its ideology to all people.  Americans are ignorant of what the Qur’an actually contains.  It is a manual used by religious leaders to indoctrinate Muslims to commit bigotry, hate, violence, and the killing of innocent people who do not believe in Islam.

People in America and many countries need to learn why Muslims will never assimilate the cultural values of another country.  They need to learn how Islam grew to be a Theocratic Empire by 750 CE through use of the sword and not by love and respect for the beliefs of other people. Only by reading Iran’s history will people understand Islam’s despicable past and its objective for world domination.  Figure 1 illustrates the effect of an ideology that transforms people to advocate Islam will dominate the world.

More Islamic Torerance

Figure 1.  Islamic terrorists advocate Islam will Dominate the World.

An opportunity exists for people to benefit from the knowledge scholars have provided by their objective critique of The Qur’an.  A good recommendation is to read Obama, Islam and Benghazi, which may be read as a free read on the following website:

Obama, Islam and Benghazi describes why Obama has a strong affinity for Islam and the Muslim people; provides a history why Islam is the source of discontent in many countries; reveals portions of the Qur’an that incite terror and violence; describes how Muslims are indoctrinated by Islamic religious leaders with the belief that We, Our and Us is Allah; presents details of the Benghazi attack, and contains thirty-seven questions that should be addressed by the Select Committee on Benghazi.  Knowledge is a wonderful gift and much of it is presented in this book.

How should the U.S. deal with Iran’s expansionist objective to develop a nuclear weapon and dominate the world?  There is no alternative: either live with an enemy that seeks to destroy the U.S., its ally Israel, and dominate countries around the world or, conquer Iran by war or starve it economically.

The Obama-Iran Nuclear Deal has made it easier for Iran to pursue their development of a nuclear bomb, infuse $150,000 billion dollars into their economy, and support terrorist operations.  Why would the U.S. make such a stupid move?  Actually, it was not the U.S. Congress representing the American people, it was Obama who has an affinity for Iran and the Muslim people, whereby he facilitated the nuclear deal, which was endorsed by the United Nations Security Council (http://www.voanews. com/content/un-security-council-expected-to-approve-iran-nuclear-deal/ 2870048.html).

The American people, due to a liberal or politically corrupted media, has not been informed that Obama has been indoctrinated in the Qur’an as a young boy and it has, in his adult years, affected his reasoning to think objectively for the safety of the United States.  One must never forget the failure of the U.S. media to inform Americans and many countries about the threat announced by Obama at the U.N. General Assembly, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  Obama stated this Islamic threat two weeks after the Benghazi attack.  Regardless of the context in which he stated this threat, one would expect a Muslim Leader not a U.S. President to make such a statement.

A Realistic and Practical Approach by America.

Iran will pursue a nuclear bomb with or without the Obama-Iran Nuclear Deal.  There is no other recourse for America but to stand up to Iran with a strong position that they STOP all development of a nuclear weapon or allow, anytime and anywhere, 24/7 inspections by American scientists. Failure to do so will mean no ‘snapback sanctions’ or war but a military strike on all known nuclear sites.  To not take this position, the U.S. will gamble the lives of its people, destruction of its land, and world-wide pollution of the earth because Iran will eventually initiate a nuclear bomb first.  He who hesitates is lost.

There is a peaceful solution.

There must be a stop to the destructive cancer infecting free countries around the world with an ideology taught by Islamic religious leaders.  This ideology is driven by the Qur’an and Sharia law, which indoctrinates Muslims with an intolerance of the religious beliefs of others as demonstrated by their objective to dominate the world and publically chant, “Death to America and Death to Israel.”  Islam is a cancerous growth that insidiously affects many countries around the world because Muslims will never integrate with other people and assimilate their cultural values and laws.

The prophetic words of this article should be sufficient to wake people up around the globe.  Figure 2 substantiates the indoctrinated mind-set of Muslims to eliminate the democratic freedoms countries have fought for.  When Muslims are willing to behead people who disagree with their religion it verifies they are unable to use logic to compare, analyze, and scrutinize other religions.  They are unable to assess how their own religion has limited their ability to think and reason constructively.  Chapter 5.2, Indoctrination of the Muslim Mind, presented in Obama, Islam and Benghazi provides an excellent understanding how Muslims become gullible and easily ruled by their Muslim leaders.

muslim mob in London-2006 by img-dailymail-co-uk

Figure 2.  Muslims inciting hate, terror and violence.

The people of Iran and perceptive Islamic religious leaders must initiate a religious revolution of The Qur’an.  However impractical and unrealistic this endeavor is, they need to revise its many verses that infect the Muslim mind with bigotry, hate, violence, and the killing of innocent people who have other religious beliefs.  It is The Qur’an that is the source of discontent in many, many countries.   If Islamic religious leaders are reluctant to revise The Qur’an with God’s greatest command, “love one another” then a revolution by the Muslim people becomes necessary.  Failure to revise The Qur’an with God’s greatest command will initiate an inevitable solution – the U.S realistic and practical approach cited above.

Comments to this article are welcomed.  A press release for this article appears on:

AMERICA AWAKENS – Obama a Shiite Muslim

In a speech given in Orlando Florida on June 14, 2016, Barack Obama gave his response to the 49 people killed and 53 injured inside a gay nightclub by an Islamic terrorist.   In his speech he played down the Islamic international threat by specifically indicating it was a single killer with the availability of a powerful assault weapon instead of identifying the attack by an Islamic terrorist by saying, “Now, those who were killed and injured here were gunned down by a single killer with a powerful assault weapon.”

Again, Obama will not associate the killer was motivated by Islamic indoctrination.  Instead, he tries to convince the American people it was committed by a lone gunman that has no ties to terror organizations.  He referred to the attack as terror and hate without associating the killer with Islam.

Obama used deceptive words to the American people by emphasizing it was a lone gunman acting out of hate and he couched the Islamic attack as being due to propaganda.  It is provided below:

“So whatever the motivations of the killer, whatever influences led him down the path of violence and terror, whatever propaganda he was consuming from ISIL and Al Qaida, this was an act of terrorism, but it was also an act of hate. This was an attack on the LGBT community.”

Obama ended his speech by hoping God will reduce hatred and curb violence by saying, “May He give us resolve to do what’s necessary to reduce the hatred of this world, to curb the violence. May He watch over this country that we call home.”

Obama’s speech was anemic in identifying the cause of the terror attack and then hopes that God, not American resolve, will eliminate the threat of terrorism.

Americans are beginning to question Obama’s approach to secure the country from Islamic terrorism.  They realize that he has not worked with our military commanders to propose a plan that will effectively eliminate the terror organizations.  Instead, his speech confirms he will not associate terror attacks as being motivated by Islamic beliefs.

Obama has already revealed his propensity to be weak in defeating Islamic terrorism as demonstrated with the Benghazi attack in Libya that took the lives of four Americans.  His response to excuse his ineffectiveness was to blame the September 11, 2012 Benghazi terror attack on a YouTube video.

Even if President Obama did not originate the YouTube story, he approved it and publically lied to the American people.  Two weeks after the Benghazi attack, Obama continued denouncing the distasteful YouTube video about the prophet Muhammad.  On September 25, 2012, at the UN, President Obama announced a threat to  representatives and governments around the world by stating,

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

As president of all Americans from many different ethnic and religious persuasions why should he state there is no future for those who slander the prophet of Islam?

One would expect a Muslim Leader, not the President of the United States, to state a threat to those that slander the prophet of Islam.  This announcement by Obama reveals he has a strong affinity for Islam and the Muslim people.  Obama’s affinity for the Muslim people and the Islamic religion continues today as he will not associate Muslim terrorism with Islamic ideology.  Instead, Obama publically states to the American people that, “Islam is a religion of peace.”  The American media will not show the photo that illustrates the Islamic objective is to have Islam dominate the world.  The photo was provided via;  the largest website that informs people world-wide of the Islamic threat.

650 X 434Islam will Dominate the World

The Sad Reality of Today. It is sad to learn that democrats and republicans cannot work together to identify that  Islamic ideology is driven by the Qur’an and implemented with Sharia law.  Because of party allegiances to President Obama, Islamic ideology is not defined. This inability to define the problem prevents Muslims and Americans to solve the fanatical terrorism problem.

It has become evident that many top representatives in government will discard truth and integrity to protect their interests and jobs to fall in line with Obama’s weak response to the Islamic threat both in America and countries around the world.  The morality and truthfulness that is needed to keep America strong and be the greatest country on earth has reached a new low.  The lack of integrity stems from the poor education provided to our youth whereby respect and honor for the truth is not taught.

Have Americans come to accept lies by their leaders or are many poorly educated and can easily be made fools of?  Will Americans continue to accept:

>>>  Obama not identifying the threat as Islamic in such instances as the Fort Hood and the Orlando massacre terror attacks?

>>>  The fabricated YouTube lies by Barack Obama with Hillary Clinton?  Their lies were fabricated to divert any culpability for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya.  This is well documented in the novel, Obama, Islam and Benghazi.

>>>  Obama propaganda to the American people that “Islam is a religion of peace?”  This claim is false as clearly documented in the novel Allah, We, Our and Us.

>>>  Obama’s release of five top Islamic military terrorists from Guantanamo for a U.S. deserter ?

>>>  The Obama-Iran Nuclear Deal?  It allows 150 billion dollars to be injected into Iran’s economy and continued development of a nuclear weapon.  Is Iran, a Shiite regime, being supported by a Shiite Muslim?.

 >>>  Obama’s statement two weeks after the Benghazi attack to the United Nations?  At this international body, Obama stated that “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” These are the words expected from a Muslim leader NOT the president of the United States.

>>>  Obama is an African-American?  In reality, Obama is a Muslin-American by birth.  His father and brothers are all Shiites.  To denounce his Islamic faith, he would be an apostate, which will make him a target for death according to Sharia law.

>>>  Obama is an American citizen?  This is true, but it does not exclude the fact that he is a Shiite Muslim.  As a Shiite, it is plausible to see that Obama supported the Shiite terrorist regime of Iran by facilitating the Obama-Iran Nuclear Deal.  The American media would not inform the American public of these facts.  Integrity and truth based upon facts are no longer the standard of honest and objective reporting by the Liberal Media of today.

The above list is but a small sample that confirms Obama compromises the safety of the United States with his affinity for the Muslim people and belief in the Islamic faith; a belief inculcated into his mind with his indoctrination of the Qur’an as a young boy.  This fact has not been revealed by the liberal media and government representatives who may be too embarrassed to admit Obama, a Shiite Muslim by birth, was not vetted properly to be president of the U.S.

A Press Release was issued on June 24, 2016 and may be viewed via the link:

Will our Government representatives permit the Obama-Clinton Benghazi deception to go unpunished? Will Americans accept Hillary Clinton’s continued run for president even though she deleted classified e-mails placed in an unauthorized server? These violations far exceed the violation of General Petraeus.

America may be losing its most beautiful heritage as the land of opportunity for all people because its moral structure and high regard for truth has deteriorated; and it all begins with the president of America.

The Orlando Gay Massacre Was Motivated by Islamic Ideology

WorldNetDaily (WND) on June 12, 2016 posted an article, Orlando shooter a ‘lone wolf’? Not so fast!  The following passages with a two-path solution to resolve the Islamic threat was written after reading the astute thoughts by Clare Lopez, vice president for research and analysis at the Center for Security Policy.  She spent two decades in the field as a CIA operations officer, was an instructor for military intelligence and special forces students, and has been a consultant, intelligence analyst and researcher within the defense sector.

She objecteClare Lopezd to the term “lone wolf” term, “because, while individual jihadists may not have a formal connection to a recognized terrorist organization, there is still an essential link: a common ideology.”  Lopez went on to state, “Their allegiance is to Islam and to Shariah, to Islamic law, and, of course, under Islamic law homosexuality is a capital crime. It is one of the crimes called illicit sex, addressed both in the Quran and in the hadiths. The death penalty typically is supposed to be stoning, but bullets will do.”

Lopez described something else that all individual jihadists have in common with such groups as al-Qaida and ISIS: a religious obligation. In fact, it is something that binds all Muslims, at least, in theory.

“Under Islamic law and doctrine, there is something called ‘enjoin the good, forbid the evil,’ and this derives, again, from the sunnah, which is an account of the life of Muhammad, and the hadiths,” said the scholar and former spy.

“What it means is that every single Muslim is individually responsible in a personal way for upholding Shariah. In other words, that doctrine makes of every single Muslim a potential, a possible, vigilante. They are obligated to enforce Shariah on an individual basis.”

She contrasted Muslim and Christian attitudes by observing, “Christians are obligated to live by the 10 Commandments, but each individual Christian isn’t obligated for enforcing them.  But in Islam, it’s the other way.”  Clare emphasized, “Each Muslim is obligated to enforce it. They are supposed to start by speaking and trying to persuade somebody, or show them the evil of their ways, or whatever they can. But if that doesn’t work, then they are obligated to take physical action.”

Clare Lopez should have noted that ‘enjoin equity and forbid evil’ is stated in the Qur’an itself as follows:

Sura 3:105: Let there be from among you a party whose business it should be to invite goodness, to enjoin equity and to forbid evil. It is they who shall prosper.

That party consists of Islamic religious leaders who enforce the commands and abominations of hate, bigotry, violence and murder of people who have beliefs other than Islam.  The book, Allah, We, Our and Us conclusively reveals that ‘We, Our and Us’ is not the all-forgiving and compassionate God Allah but a group of fanatical religious men who act using the name of Allah.  We see these fanatics surface in the following Qur’anic verse (one of many):

Sura 7:5-7:  Little is it that you heed. How many a town have We destroyed! Our punishment came upon their dwellers by night or while they slept at noon.  When Our punishment came upon them all they could utter was: We are indeed wrongdoers.

In his comments on the Orlando gay-killing atrocity, Obama called it an act of terror, but importantly, he never once mentioned the words Islam, Islamic or Muslim.  Americans have been insulated by the liberal media from the knowledge that Obama was indoctrinated in the Qur’an as a young boy for several years.  It is why he has an affinity for Muslims and fervently protects the accusation that Islam is the cause.  However, Obama revealed his zeal for Islam two weeks after the September 11, 2012 Benghazi terror attack that took four American lives.

On September 25, 2012, Obama announced a threat to world members in the United Nations General Assembly by stating,

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

This threat was in reference to a YouTube video as having stimulated the attack in Benghazi.  It was Obama’s attempt to blame the terror attack on a distasteful video that initiated a spontaneous reaction rather than admit it was a preplanned attack by Islamic terrorists.  Obama’s response reflects the years of Islamic indoctrination that does not leave the inculcated mind even though he had the benefits of an education received at such American universities as Harvard and Columbia.  As one carefully reads the above threat, one deduces that these are the words of a powerful Muslim leadernot the President of the United States.

It compromises the security of the American people for Obama to be reluctant to define Islam as a real threat.  Instead, he is willing to compound the Islamic threat by inviting thousands of Muslims into America without any background checks.  Obama traded 5 high ranking terrorist prisoners from Quantanamo for an American traitor with the lame excuse that by keeping terrorists in Quantanamo causes more Islamic converts.  Regarding the Orlando massacre, Obama blames the terrorist attack on availability of guns and refuses to identify the terrorist with an inculcated Islamic ideology, which was ingrained by his parents from a Muslim country with strong Islamic and Sharia law beliefs.  Indeed, Obama is not fit to be President of the United States and should resign for lies and inaction that caused the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. The facts that reveal Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as being culpable for the Benghazi deaths are documented in Obama, Islam and Benghazi, published in 2015.

B&N Obama, Islam & Benghazi

This book was sent to every member of the Select Committee on Benghazi to surface the answers of 36 questions presented in the last chapter. It is available as a Free Read on

All people around the globe need to be informed about what drives the fanatical behavior of Muslims to kill those who do not follow Islamic law.  It is necessary for all people to try to understand the problem in order to solve the problem.  There is a well-known axiom, “You must first define the problem before you can solve the problem.”  The problem that needs to be defined is – Islam.  And yet, the First Muslim-American President of the United States, Obama, cannot even say the words Islamic terrorism or Islamic extremists.  Read the post, Obama, the First Muslim-American President provided on this website.

With Islam, there are two paths to solve the Islamic threat:

(1) Muslims must all recognize that the Qur’an must be revised to eliminate the abominable verses that advocate bigotry, hatred, violence and the killing of people who do not follow Islam – they must force their religious leaders to have the Qur’an proclaim the greatest command by a Man of God, Love one another.

(2) Failing to revise the Qur’an, then there will inevitably be a Third World War to eliminate Islam in all countries where their culture and values are being threatened. Islam is an ideology that does not aspire to raise people to emulate truth, integrity and love of all people. Rather, Islam is taught by fanatical religious leaders who indoctrinate and mislead unsuspecting minds with abominable verses contained in the Qur’an and implemented with Sharia law.

To learn about the history of Islam, an objective analyses of the Qur’an, why Muslims are taught that Islam will dominate the world, and recommended actions for Islamic, Judaic, and Christian leaders to achieve unity in the belief in God, read Allah, We, Our and Us.  It is available as a Free Read by clicking on:

All people, be they Americans or not, have a responsibility to educate themselves about a threat that could someday day take their lives. Read Allah, We, Our and Us and be informed. To not educate yourselves, you invite death upon yourselves.

Has this article given you a clearer understanding why the Islamic threat must be defined?  Why the Orlando massacre is not a ‘lone wolf’ terrorist inspired action but rather an ingrained Islamic ideology inspired by the Qur’an and Sharia law? Do you believe Obama is the first Muslim-American president that is sympathetic towards Muslims, harbors Islam as his faith, and is willing to transform America to accept the values and culture of Muslims and Islam?


Will Science and Religion Be Compatible ?


The book, God, Us and the Universe by Nicholas Ginex contains a compilation of 51 articles posted on an Internet forum.  The author shared his thoughts with many discerning and intelligent people who exhibited extraordinary depth with their comments.  The interaction between them and the author opened many avenues of thought whereby together they gained perspectives about God, religion, philosophy, politics and ethics.  A portion of this article was extracted to enlighten people that the Scriptures of the Judaic, Christian and Islamic religions need to be revised.

God-Us-and the Universe

Will Science and Religion Be Compatible?

At a very young age, I was not immersed in the biblical Genesis account of the Creation because both my parents had to work for a living while my brother and I were raised by our Sicilian grandparents, who spoke very little English. It was not my parents but my religious Catholic instruction that acquainted me with the belief in God. At that stage of religious development, I had no real appreciation of the Creation account except that Adam was the first man and that Eve was created from Adam’s rib.

Fortunately, I received a public education and in high school enjoyed learning biology and was introduced eventually to the theory of evolution. I admired Darwin’s work and courage to document his research efforts that had, in my mind, much credibility. For even I, at a tender age, realized that man has many of the same organs and functions of dogs, cats, and our closest relatives, monkeys and apes. Funny, I thought, these animals have the same two eyes, ears, nose to breathe, arms, legs, and sexual and breathing apparatus as humans. Wow, we have so much in common. So even then, I found it difficult to believe man was independently created by God but was a more complex and fortunate creature to have had a greater brain, a voice to develop language, and hands to build and eventually write what he had learned in life.

Regarding God, very few people discount the belief in God. Those that do discount God as taught by a religion believe in God from a personal point of view. Even atheists and agnostics, as well as scientists, have no idea how the first atom was created and how billions of atoms came into existence to form matter. It boggles the mind to learn that there are billions of galaxies with billions of stars and billions of planets that make up our universe. Until scientists are able to answer how matter was created that eventually gave birth to living organisms, mankind will always believe in God. I do. The God I believe in has no form; He is incomprehensible, mysterious, and yet responsible for initiating the universe. So I believe in a force that pervades the universe. That force has found its way to conceive life, and all things are made from the same stuff that started the universe.

After receiving my indoctrination in Catholicism, I ventured into many different types of Christian churches and even attended Greek Orthodox and Jewish houses of worship. I was always impressed listening to the radio, with the talks given by rabbis, in fact, more so than sermons given by priests. So I had an open mind seeking to understand who was God. All my life I was interested in philosophy, sociology, and the humanities because I loved learning about the accomplishments of mankind and some of their greatest thoughts that I might embrace.

Well, into my forties, I read books by many religious scholars and became engrossed in learning more about what Egyptologists had to say about the past history of an almost forgotten civilization. Egyptologists such as Henry H. Breasted and E. A. Wallis Budge brought to life great works of beauty revealed within Egyptian temples, pyramids, and monuments. More importantly, upon reading their deciphered hieroglyphics, I learned how man first conceived one universal God; that God existed for over two thousand years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Having acquired quite a bit of knowledge from men who dedicated their lives to unearth and reveal history of a very spiritual people, I unintentionally started to write, upon my retirement as an engineer, to produce Legacy of a Father for my children.

This was the first book I ever wrote and I say unintentionally because I never planned to write a book. Sitting at my computer, the book unfolded itself into a logical sequence of who were the Egyptian people, their history and beliefs, and how their beliefs were imitated by the Hebrews who developed their religion based upon the beliefs in a soul, a hereafter, a morality based on truth and righteousness, and a belief in one universal God. Upon writing about the beliefs of the Egyptian people, I naturally was obligated to read the Torah, the Gospels and Revelation, and the Koran. This education allowed me to provide an objective critique of the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic scriptures. Of greater worthiness, I was able to reflect on what I wrote and provide recommendations to the religious leaders and followers of these faiths, which would be helpful in bringing their beliefs into a more unified version.

I have said enough about why I believe the idea of God will always prevail as long as science has not learned where the first atom came from. Those who desire to pursue how man first conceived God and how that God has profoundly influenced the development of the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions are encouraged to do an Internet search on the title Future of God Amen. As a man of optimism and love for the human race, I do believe that there are many men and women in this world who are intelligent enough to recognize that changes must be made in our religious beliefs about God.

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It is easy to rant and rave why people should or should not believe in God and that it has been religious people who have caused the deaths of millions upon millions of innocent people. But there is a solution whereby science and religion can advance in parallel in our quest to know God by revealing the truth of our past. I recommend people read Future of God Amen to understand that the truth of the past can complement our scientific advancements. Perhaps this book will motivate daughters and sons of God to emerge and assist religious leaders to undertake a revision of their holy scriptures so that all people will not only accept each other’s religion, but also learn to love one another.

After much research and writing about God and the development of the major religions, it became clear that Scripture was inspired by men of God.  They put in writing the commands that would help their people to live in harmony under a given set of rules of conduct.  Such rules of conduct were developed by the first formal religion of the world that existed in Egypt.  Long before Abraham and Moses, the Priesthood of Amon developed the belief in one-universal God, the Creator of all there is.  It was this belief that cemented rules of conduct that, if followed, would allow the righteous to join their God upon death.

During many hundreds of years, the Egyptian priesthood revised their beliefs many times.  They eventually replaced their beliefs in many gods with one-universal God.  That God is announced by name today by many people – Amen.  The Priesthood of Amon wrote, Amon as the Sole God.  It was composed during the reign of Ramses II after accepting many of the ideas first composed by Amenhotep IV (reigned 1375-1358) who wrote, The Hymn to the Aton.  Both hymns are provided in the book Future of God Amen.

Through many centuries, the major religions have fought to establish their God as the true God. We see today, extremist Muslims killing Jews, Christians, Buddhists and people of other faiths because their Scripture, The Qur’an, states they have the true religion (Sura 9:29), it is the Religion of Truth, and that Allah will make it prevail over all other religions (Sura 9:33).  Hence, on the world stage we have a “bully religion” whereby Islamic leaders indoctrinate their followers to eliminate the religious beliefs of other people and kill them to achieve their objective.

To stop the insanity of killing people in the name of God, the Muslim people themselves must pressure their religious leaders to wake up and revise the Qur’an to reflect the greatest command given by a Man of God – love one another. If the Egyptian priesthood were intelligent enough to update their Scriptures many times until they arrived at the belief in one universal God, so can Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religious leaders. It is foolish to believe that Scripture is encased in concrete never to be changed. Will religious leaders of these faiths be perceptive, compassionate, and wise to revise their Scriptures with the objective to teach all people to love one another?

A cooperative response to this challenge by religious leaders and their followers will steer mankind into the realm of knowledge where science and faith are compatible in man’s quest to know God.  Such an effort is based upon truth of the evolution of God and religion that is obtainable from our past history.

The following assessment of the author was given by Dr. Ahreeman, a college professor.

“Nicholas Ginex is a valuable author, scholar and philosopher. His writings are enlightening and informing to the open minds. His views are about universal love and peace for the mankind and all creatures throughout the universe. Reading Ginex books are essential for the philosophy, history and science buffs and enthusiasts.

Ginex is an explorer in time and space, travelling with the warp speed throughout the universe, seeking for the truth of the universe. Can you catch up with Ginex?  The only way you can, is if you have an open mind!”

The Obama-Clinton Benghazi Deception

Many people are well read about the September 11, 2012 Islamic attacks in Benghazi, Libya, a city off the Northern coast of Africa.  The recently released movie, 13 Hours, The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi has enlightened many people about the Benghazi terrorist attacks.  However, many people are not aware of the deceptive lies by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi.  Hopefully, this blog will energize readers to inform other Internet users of the Obama-Clinton deception.

IPC - Obama, Islam and Benghazi

   Nicholas P. Ginex

The book, Obama, Islam and Benghazi documents  President Obama’s campaign deception to the American people prior to the November 2012 presidential election.  Hillary Clinton supported Obama’s deceit of a normalized foreign policy in Africa by not responding to e-mails by Chris Stevens, U.S. Ambassador in Benghazi.  The e-mails indicated as many as thirteen Islamic terror attacks prior to the attack on September 11, 2012.  Her failure to provide military protection for the personnel at the Benghazi facility dictated by Obama’s charade of a stable foreign policy resulted in four American deaths.

Obama, Islam and Benghazi reveals there is a connection between Obama, Islam and Benghazi.  It informs Americans that Obama’s early indoctrination in the Qur’an has developed an affinity for Islam and their people; why the Qur’an is the source of discontent in many countries around the world; and what were the Obama and Clinton deceptive lies that caused poor judgment and will to protect Benghazi personnel from  preplanned terror attacks.

On February 1 and April 11, the book Obama, Islam and Benghazi was mailed with an Open Letter and Press Release to Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi and each of its members to assist their investigation.  To give our WordPress and Internet readers visibility of why Obama and Clinton should be held accountable for the lies they perpetrated on the American people, I have included the Press Release and Open Letter as part of this blog.  A free read of the book may be accessed on the Iran Politics Club website below:

It is to be noted that President Obama awarded former Army Staff Sgt Clinton Romesha the Metal of Honor for bravery in the battle of Kamdesh, a fight that took many lives because military personnel were diverted hunting for Sgt Bowe Bergdahl. After deserting his post, Bergdahl was caught by Islamic extremists.  It was Obama who facilitated the release of Bergdahl by trading five high ranking Islamic terrorists from Quantanamo  prison to the terrorists.

In celebration of Bergdahl’s release, Obama invited his parents to the White House to show support for their son.

Obama w parents 462X250

Obama with Bergdahl’s parents at the White House.

But for the brave warriors who fought during the 13 hours in Benghazi that saved many American lives, Obama has not awarded them the Metal of Honor or received their parents at the White House as an act of appreciation for their loss. By not honoring the brave warriors Kris Paronto, Mark Geist, John Tiegen, and Tyrone S. Woods killed during the attack, it is clear that Obama did not want to draw any attention to the Benghazi fiasco.   His respect for inviting Bergdahl’s parents to the White House but excluding such an invitation for the parents of four brave warriors is amazing.  It shows his reasoning powers and sense of American values may have been compromised due to his indoctrination of the Qur’an as a young boy.

Could it be that Obama was embarrassed because he may have been asleep at the helm or, as Commander-and-Chief of the Armed Forces, he regrets issuing the Stand-Down Order that prevented military resources to defend Benghazi personnel?   White House officials nor Obama has not given the American public any idea what he did during the 13 hour attack.  The fabrication of a YouTube lie that was fed to the American people by Obama and Clinton after the attack was an attempt to excuse their inept military response.

The Press Release for Obama, Islam and Benghazi and Open Letter to the Select Committee on Benghazi are presented below.  Those of you who agree that impeachment and disgrace are warranted, write to Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi.  All members of the Benghazi Select Committee received the book, Open Letter, and Press Release presented below.  Trey Gowdy’s address is:

United States House of Representatives
Select Committee on Benghazi
ATTN: Trey Gowdy, Chairman
Washington, DC 20515

This author has also written and sent copies of Obama, Islam and Benghazi with the Open Letter and Press Release to:

United States Investigative Unit
Douglas Ramsey, Project Director
5405 Alton Pkwy - Suite 5A #369
Irvine CA 92604

The National Campaign to Impeach Obama
Denise Singleton, Project Chairman
A Project of FRC
PO Box 96435
Washington, DC  20077-7483

United States Investigative Unit
ATTN: Congressman Jason Chaffetz
PO Box 96444
Washington D.C.  20077-7320

FBI Headquarters
Director James B. Comey
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20535-0001

Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House
The National Campaign to Impeach Obama
A Project of FRC
PO Box 96435
Washington, DC  20077-7483

U.S. House Judiciary Committee
The National Campaign to Impeach Obama
A Project of FRC
PO Box 96435
Washington, DC  20077-7483

Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader
The National Campaign to Impeach Obama
A Project of FRC
PO Box 96435 Washington, DC  20077-7483

 Open Letter to the Select Committee on Benghazi

1st Submission: February 1, 2016 – National Freedom Day

2nd Submission: April 11, 2016

Dear Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi,

Your efforts to uncover the truth about what happened in Benghazi to cause the deaths of four Americans is greatly appreciated.  After President Obama and Hillary Clinton deceived the American people by fabricating and publically announcing a YouTube story, I was motivated to write Obama, Islam and Benghazi.

As the title infers, there is a connection between Obama, Islam and Benghazi.  The enclosed book provides ample evidence to inform Americans that Obama’s early indoctrination in the Qur’an has developed an affinity for Islam and their people; why the Qur’an is the source of discontent in many countries around the world; and why the Obama foreign policy deception led to poor military action, which led to the loss of American lives in Benghazi.

The last chapter lists 36 questions.  Your investigative team objective is to find the truth for the families affected by the Benghazi attack.  The questions are presented to validate whether the American people are justified to mistrust Obama and Clinton for their lies which led to the YouTube cover-up story.

Hopefully, our Congressional and Senate representatives expect honesty and integrity from the President of the United States.  Richard Nixon resigned as a man of honor for his complicity and attempted cover-up of the Watergate scandal in 1972.  But his lies pall compared to the actions by President Obama and Hillary Clinton that eventually led to the death of four Americans.

Will justice prevail or will our Government representatives permit the Obama-Clinton deceptions to go unpunished?  If not impeachment of the President, at least expose for the American people the deceptive lies by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Sincerely yours,


Nicholas P. Ginex

The enclosed book has been sent to each member of the Select Committee.

Direct communication is welcomed:  520-400-8454

Enclosures:  Book: Obama, Islam and Benghazi

                        Press Release: Obama, Islam and Benghazi

Do you agree or disagree that Obama should be impeached and Clinton disgraced from holding office.

  •   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Press Release

Obama, Islam and Benghazi Exposes Obama and Clinton.

Orange County, Calif., May 25, 2016 –Nicholas Ginex provides a 2nd edition of Obama, Islam and BenghaziIt reveals President Obama deceived the American people in his run for the November 2012 presidential election.  Hillary Clinton supported this deceit by not responding to e-mails by Chris Stevens, U.S. Ambassador in Benghazi, Libya.  The e-mails indicated as many as thirteen Islamic terror attacks prior to the attack on September 11, 2012.  Her failure to provide military protection for the ambassador and Obama’s authorization of a Stand-Down Order led to the loss of four American lives.

Front Cover for Obama

Obama, Islam and Benghazi reveals there is a connection between Obama, Islam and Benghazi.  It informs Americans that Obama’s early indoctrination in the Qur’an has developed an affinity for Islam and their people; why the Qur’an is the source of discontent in many countries around the world; and why the Obama foreign policy deception led to poor military action in Benghazi.

The last chapter lists 36 questions provided to the Select Committee on Benghazi to reveal the truth for the families affected by the Benghazi attack.  They are presented to validate whether the American people are justified to mistrust Obama and Clinton for their lies, which led to the YouTube cover-up story.

Two weeks after the Benghazi attack, on Sept 25, 2012 at the UN General Assembly, Obama made an international threat to the world:

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

Clearly, these are the words of a Muslim Leader NOT the President of the United States.  Many Americans were proud to believe they voted for an African-American.  However, it is evident that Obama is –  The First Muslim-American President. 

Will justice prevail or will our Government representatives permit the Obama-Clinton deception to go unpunished?  If not impeachment of the President, at least expose for the American people the deceptive lies by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  On February 1, 2016, and again on April 11, 2016, this author mailed Obama, Islam and Benghazi with an Open Letter to Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi and each of its members.  Their efforts to obtain truth and justice for the deaths of four Americans have total support of the American people.

Obama, Islam and Benghazi             2nd Edition, 2016

Black & White 6 X 9 in, 250  pages

Paperback  ISBN:  978-1-938366-58-1                                            Hardcover  ISBN:  978-1-938366-57-4                                                              E-Book   ISBN:  978-1-938366-60-4

To Order Contact Publisher:     Wayne Hancock via:


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Religions Must Change to be Relevant for Humanity

INTRO:  Before introducing you to a pragmatic change that deals with God, religion and morality, we should examine what are the ingredients of thought that fall into the category characterized as philosophy?

To present a meaningful philosophic view, the philosopher should be able to relate his ideas to facts and experiences that logically lead to perceptive conclusions.  However, an important part of philosophizing is the human element of love or empathy for humanity.  To not include an answer or views that better our lives becomes an exercise without a purpose.

It is hoped that the following article will stimulate your thinking about God, religion and morality.  The background of a constructive article on these subjects is a deep love for people.  A love that is similar to the love of a mother and father in forming a sound foundation in their children to be able to cope with the many challenges of the future but also to develop a frame of mind able to comprehend how their lives can be more meaningful and satisfying.

I recently opened a book with just a sense of revisiting what I wrote.  The book title is Allah, We, Our and Us.  It was written to inform people about the religion of Islam, what is in the Qur’an,  and unveil lies taught unsuspecting minds by Islamic religious leaders. An article featured on this post, Allah is Represented by a Party of Men, provides conclusive evidence that the Qur’an was written by religious leaders to command their followers.  It unveils the lie that it is Allah as ‘We, Our and Us’ that commands armies of men to kill innocent people.  The truth is that We, Our and Us is a party of fanatical religious men who speak for Allah. Their objective is to create an Islamic Theocratic Empire under the control of one world religion – Islam.

Religions Must Change to be Relevant for Humanity

The commentary and conclusions presented in Allah, We. Our and Us would not be complete without providing some perceptive thoughts about the Islamic religion from an outstanding author of religions and history, D.M. Murdock/Acharaya S. She has written numerous books and articles and voiced her insights on many talk shows.  Unfortunately she passed away last year.  Below are her concluding paragraphs extracted from her article, The Origins of Islam.[1]

“If this planet’s inhabitants would simply become educated to the origins of their traditions in full, we could live in a world of tremendous beauty and knowledge, as opposed to ugly, superstitious and repressive ideologies that are exclusionary and bigoted. Islam arose because of the repression of Christianity and Judaism, as well as an unbalanced female-oriented culture. Like those traditions, Islam is utterly out of balance, and we may all suffer for it, particularly if the predictions come true that Islam will be the most dominant religion in the world in the next decades.

As previously stated, there are few non-Muslim women or men who would wish to live in such a world. Because of this aversion, we would expect to see in the future innumerable ghastly battles and wars waged in the name of one god or another, as has happened far too often in the past, especially with these monotheistic Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. All told, these three are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, so why are they deemed “Great religions?” The “greatest” thing about them is their death toll.

If this world is to survive into the coming age, we will need as many people as possible to drop all of these divisive doctrines. What we need on this planet, right now, are honest, caring and whole human beings who are motivated not by potential favors and rewards from sadistic and ethnocentric deities in the sky but by innate decency and integrity. Only in this way can we all live in peace rather than fear, which is the weapon wielded by religion to convert the faithful.”

The concluding thoughts by Acharaya surfaces the question, should the monotheistic religion institutions be preserved within a civilized society or are they all by nature myths that propound dogma that causes discontent, division, and hate with the eventual action of violence and death of many innocent people? It is clear that although the Judaic and Christian religions have a history of wars and the killing of millions of lives, it appears they have extinguished the desire to increase their membership through coercion and by forceful expansion of their faith.

In contrast with the Judaic and Christian faiths of today, Islamic religious and political ruling leaders continue to apply a theocratic government of control with the objective to unify people of all countries under one common reality defined as the ummah. The Islamic scholar Seyyed Hossein Nasr has defined the ummah as “the totality of different ethnic and cultural groups of people who are Muslims that constitute the Islamic world. The ummah may be characterized as a single religious community bound by a sense of brotherhood so emphasized by the Qur’an and the Prophet.”[2]

The leaders in free democratic countries have become vigilant of the insidious indoctrination by Islamic religious leaders and forceful expansion of Islam by Muslim extremists.  In Allah, We, Our and Us a list of atrocities of men, women and children killed by extremist Muslims are listed in Appendix 1.  It is conclusive proof that it is the Qur’an, Sharia law, and the Sunnah that work together to cause discontent by protesters in many countries experiencing Islamic expansion. There is no doubt that Islamic religious leaders use the Qur’an as an instrument to indoctrinate the minds of people to commit murder and suicide to further the ummah objective using Allah as the authoritative source.

The Injustice of Sharia Law

The solution is clear. The Qur’an must be revised to eliminate the abominations it advocates.  Allah, We, Our and Us provides recommendations to assist religious leaders of the monotheistic religions to work together. It can do no more than to define the problem and propose a solution, which is short of advocating forceful overthrow of the religious institution by the millions of followers.

Having reviewed the state of discontent predominantly induced by Muslim extremists, let us return to the question; are religions necessary for any civilization in light of the discontent they create around the world? To answer this question it becomes necessary to examine why religions have become a vital institution throughout the world since mankind started living together in communities.

Is it practical to do away with our religious institutions? They do serve a purpose to provide moral instruction to growing minds and reinforce the ideals of truth, justice, and righteousness. But aren’t these attributes the ones originally taught by the Egyptian priesthood? Was not Egypt the greatest civilization that left a legacy of not only the belief in one universal God and left extraordinary monuments, pyramids, and temples that have been emulated by the Greeks and Romans? The Egyptian religion served to make Egypt one of the greatest empires of the past. However, the Egyptian religion was corrupted and changed by other groups of people who wanted their own god to be supreme. The arrogance of leaders to gain power by the application of the tenets of a man-made god has worked in the past but it is with a painful truth that they have used the belief in God to further their ambitions to expand their power, wealth and control over people of other countries.

So why continue with the belief that society needs religious institutions to promote morality, decency, respect, and cooperation among their people? The religious institutions are, in a way, surrogate parents who guide those who are not blessed with parents that are capable of being fine role models that teach the Word of God. Unfortunately, many parents and unwed couples are stressed with the hardships of making a living or unable to raise a child with the morals and integrity needed for society to function and prosper as an integrated unit. This void can be fulfilled by a religious institution that has representatives of God groomed to guide others with the teaching of morality and love for others.

The other benefit of having a religious institution within a society is that it provides a uniform code of conduct that cannot be provided by the scientific method or by educational institutions that develop their own perceptions with a multiple of different approaches. The code of conduct to achieve honesty and integrity with the concern for compassion and assistance of others has been developed through the thousands of years of interaction between people who have devised rules for a peaceful society. Leaders within a society have realized that rules of conduct were essential for the viable function of its citizens and state. Hence, the spirit of mankind, which is the inherent desire to love and be loved, has evolved the conception of a God that has created all there is.  It is this God they desire to please by following His commands of morality and someday share His eternal presence.  This novel idea is the capstone of many religions; the possibility of joining their god after death for an eternity of love, peace and happiness.

Today, people have become more educated and are able to discern what is best for them. However, after thousands of years that righteous men evolved codes of conduct, it would be foolish to do away with religious instruction that reinforces the attributes of truth, integrity, love and compassion for others. These attributes were not found by the application of the scientific method but by experience of hard knocks in the real world.

Although there are many intellectuals who believe they can conduct their lives without having a moral code instilled in young minds to lay the foundations of morality that guides reason and logic, they must not forget that the mind is conditioned just as an athlete’s body is conditioned to perform well. If people were to devise their own code of conduct with their various preferences and individuality the result will be a quixotic world with a mix of values that will cause more confusion and discontent.

Therefore, in answer to the above question, it is this author’s contention that religion does serve a purpose within a society. However, that religion must be led by men of God who are perceptive to realize that their long held dogma of beliefs must be revised. Changes are needed to benefit their followers by employing one sole command from a man of God that stated it three times – love one another. This command has many implications and is at the root of all relationships to promote one’s happiness with others. It requires sincerity, truthfulness, compassion, and love to be a prime motivator for one’s decisions throughout life whereby relationships become more solid, meaningful, and wholesome.

Can religious leaders of the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions work out a way to unify the belief in one universal God? It may appear to be an insane idea to believe these representatives of God can work together. Yet, this is the only logical solution for as religious leaders it is their mandate to teach the Word of God. They may continue to do nothing, which will result in the eventual collapse of their religion, destruction of human life, and possibly our planet. The alternative is to work together to dispense with religious dogma made up of myths and revise the Scriptures that will further the spiritual nature of mankind.

Another reason it is not practical to do away with our religious institutions is that human beings do have a spiritual nature. They will always reflect and think about how did our star, our galaxy, the millions of galaxies and their billions of stars come to exist? They will always think of an unknown entity or force they conceptualize as God being responsible for their existence and all that has been created in the universe.

Was it energy or was it matter that first formed the first atom, the building block of all organic and inorganic matter? No scientist knows; even though they love to start with the “Big Bang,” a concept that they have concocted without knowing how the first atom was formed. They may determine someday that there is a force, a consciousness that pervades our universe. If so, human beings are thinking organisms that stimulate a consciousness energized by the building blocks of atoms that formed all things. It may be this inherent consciousness of humans that tries to reach out and understand the cosmos from whence it originated.

In Sigmund Freud’s book, The Future of an Illusion, he states that a psychologist does not deceive himself about the difficulty of finding one’s bearings in this world but makes an endeavor to assess the development of man, in light of the small portion of knowledge he has gained through a study of the mental processes of individuals during their development from child to adult. In so doing, the idea forces itself upon him that religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis, and he is optimistic enough to suppose that mankind will surmount this neurotic phase, just as so many children grow out of their similar neurosis.[3]

Freud goes on to state that the primacy of the intellect is in the distant future, but probably not in an infinitely distant one. A future whereby the same aims one expects from beliefs in God are achieved, namely, the love of man and the decrease of suffering. He then criticizes religion for advocating a state of bliss begins directly after death and writes his God promises no compensation for us, who suffer grievously from life. Freud foresees that on the way to that distant goal of eternal bliss, religious doctrines will have to be discarded, no matter whether the first attempts fail, or whether the first substitutes prove to be untenable. His conclusion is that in the long run nothing can withstand reason and experience, and the contradiction which religion offers to both is all too palpable.

The logic Freud provides has its merits but he fails to acknowledge the thousands of years of experience acquired by mankind to develop rules of conduct. True, those rules of conduct have been embodied in the framework of religious dogma, such as the thirty-seven protestations of guiltlessness the ka of a dead Egyptian professes before Osiris and the forty-two protestations he appeals before the posthumous court of judges to convince them he is worthy of eternal happiness.[4] The moral code of conduct was followed by the Egyptians over two thousand years before they were engraved on the temple walls of the Eighteenth Dynasty, 1580-1350 BCE. Much of it has been tailored by Moses to become part of the commandments he set down in stone and wrote in his Book of the Covenant.[5] Experience by mankind to formulate a moral code of morality, truth and righteousness provides the tested ways a society may function in harmony as its citizens have the same expectations of right and wrong.

The next phase of spiritual development of mankind is to pressure and force religious leaders to forego the myths and dogma that utilized the concepts of fear (hell) and reward (heaven) and replace them with the Word of God – love one another. This new approach must embrace knowledge acquired by the sciences and logical, ethical thinking, based upon reason and compassion that improves the lives of our sisters and brothers around the world.

The spiritual nature of man will always exist because of a consciousness that pervades the universe and has manifested its essence in the intellect of human beings. It has allowed us to think of the greatest inventions and innovations unknown to man only a few hundred years ago. It was the creative ability of the mind by our greatest inventors that has built a reality we enjoy today. Who ever thought we could talk to each other miles apart and yet see each other’s face? We enjoy television and the computer as a natural way to receive news, entertainment, and are many times more productive.  See my Homepage post, Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe?

Yes, science has been a way to improve our reality but the spiritual nature of mankind will forever endure as it is our minds that help us to create our world. Therefore, God, that unknown force will continue to be a part of the thinking mind. However, let us use our minds to make that God proud of his creations by living decent, trustful and loving lives.   Perhaps, someday, we may live long enough to travel to other parts of our galaxy and find there are other creatures of God that may enhance our knowledge. Let us dispel fear of the unknown and be optimistic that we may be able to enjoy the community of life in the universe.

[1] D.M. Murdock/Acharaya S, The Origins of Islam. An article from the Internet,

[2] Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Islam Religion, History, and Civilization, page 15.

[3] Sigmund Freud, The Future of an Illusion, published 1961, pages 86-89

[4] Nicholas P. Ginex, Future of God Amen, pages 79-84 and AMEN, pages 124-128.

[5] Moses, Holy Bible, KJV, Book of the Covenant, Exodus 24:4,7.



Needed Changes to the Holy Scriptures

INTRO:  Take your time reading the following article.  Please comment if you agree or not with the recommendation that Scriptures need to be revised.  The minds of religious leaders are constrained within the cage of worn out dogma, which restricts their ability to revise their Scriptures.  However, if the Priesthoods of Ancient Egypt were astute enough to revise their beliefs from many gods to one universal God many times, there is hope our religious leaders realize improvements are needed in our world today.   Many men and women gifted with perceptive, intelligent minds, and loving hearts will surely assist their efforts.

Needed Changes to the Holy Scriptures

The god many believe in today has been revealed through man’s spirit, imagination, and love for the god he created in his own image. The philosophical questions of who created the universe, the first atom, and the enormous amount of matter, galaxies, and stars lead one’s mind to ponder the wonder of it all. The world has become much larger than it was to the minds of men four thousand years ago. Today, many realize that there may be other intelligent life in the billions of galaxies in the universe. This leads one not only to revere life on this planet but also to eventually love and respect alien life that may come to visit us in the future. Our future depends, first, on how much sisters and brothers, throughout our world, love one another.

The evolution of our monotheistic God took thousands of years and, in the process, underwent many changes. This should come as no surprise, for each generation has developed concepts that were embraced and improved upon. This has been true in the scientific and technical spheres, whereby scientists have developed ways to communicate at the speed of light. Change also occurs within religions.  In the past, Egyptian priests revised and updated their beliefs to keep pace with the advances in their culture and intellect of their people. Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religious must embrace change to improve the relationships between people of different lands.

Many passages in scriptures are out of date and many that once served to unite a unique people are no longer applicable. One need only to turn to the Torah to see outdated passages dealing with ancient animal sacrifices, specific details for the garments of the priest, and detailed measurements on how to build a place of worship, an altar, and its accessories (refer to Exodus 23, 25-31).  The book Allah, We, Our and Us, is replete with abominable passages that incite hatred, bigotry, violence, and the killing of innocent people not willing to worship the Islamic God Allah.

Change is essential if religious institutions are to keep pace with worshippers as they acquire more education and the ability to examine their religious beliefs and seek meaning in their lives. If religious leaders continue to cling to worn, outdated passages of their holy scriptures, they will only become an embarrassment to discerning and intelligent people. By not acknowledging the need for change, they will find their religious myths ridiculed and their institutions laughed at because much of their dogma no longer provide moral and spiritual guidance.

Can our religious institutions, be they of Jewish, Christian, or Islamic origins, afford an outcome that is a disbelief in God? This outcome is sure to develop in the future as they continue to believe they have the only true religion and true God. There are many brilliant minds that would gladly assist in the reformation of their religious institutions and holy scriptures. But will those entrusted with the responsibility of religious leadership be courageous and perceptive enough to accept assistance and improve their doctrines? Or are they so indoctrinated that they cannot search their hearts and minds to find the truths and words of love that can truly guide their worshippers?

As a man who has learned to love all people, the sisters and brothers of this world, there is hope for change. Human beings are born with the gift to love; it is the one gift that ensures their survival. The recommendations presented in Allah, We, Our and Us for religious leaders and worshippers from all nations. They are provided as a starting point for many more necessary changes. Surely, there are men and women who have the talent and gifts to implement the recommendations offered and commend many more to improve the morality and spiritual nature of mankind.

In the final chapter of Allah, We, Our and Us, this author appeals to the followers and leaders of the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions to work together to unify their beliefs in God.  This novel informs people all over the world that so far, unintentionally and by forceful aggression, these very religions have caused bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people. To assist in ameliorating this path of destruction, it reveals the abominations of these three religions. However, it is not the author’s intent to cast blame on any one religion but to wake up the religious leaders to understand that the very existence of human life and our planet is headed for a disastrous outcome unless they work together to unify their beliefs and teach the Word of God.

In Future of God Amen, the last thought was a question. Who will dedicate their lives to becoming the daughters and sons of God? A proactive solution is to not wait for several outstanding individuals with loving hearts and perceptive minds; it will be us, the millions of people around the world, who must stand up to the religious leaders and demand they all teach the Word of God—love one another. Nothing will happen by continuing to rely on the bureaucracy and entrenched institutions that follow worn-out dogma. Their Holy Scriptures must be revised. We are all children of God, and we are responsible to guide our own destiny for a belief system that is capable of change. Change is possible by being involved to improve the character and integrity of all people, which can be accomplished with a unified belief in God that is truly guided by the Word of God.






Allah is Represented by a Party of Men


This article ignores the veil of political correctness and challenges the fear of reprisal from those who are not willing to engage in one of the most important freedoms we have — free speech. Without the freedom to discuss openly political or religious subjects, we eliminate the possibility of resolving differences and finding optimum solutions. Silence and passiveness prevents open discussions whereby people can learn to understand their differences and come to realize there are better paths to living peaceful and fruitful lives.

The conclusion presented in this article is that Allah is referred to in plural terms, which is conclusively found to be a party of religious men.  Other articles will reveal that the Qur’an is the source of discontent in countries around the world and that Islamic religious leaders forcefully spread the religion of Islam in many countries. Their objective is to subjugate people around the world to become part of the Islamic community.  A unified group of people referred to as the ummah, which is the totality of Muslims that constitute the Islamic world (Seyyed Hossein Nasr, ISLAM, Religion, History and Civilization, page 15).

The Qur’an was read line-by-line, which enabled this author to draw verifiable conclusions.  It was translated by the honorable Muhammad Zafrulla Khan who served as foreign minister of Pakistan in 1947, became the president of the 17th Session of the UN General Assembly, and later became judge of the International Court of Justice at the Hague, of which court he became president.  This early translation of the Qur’an appeared in 1970 and was chosen as a reference to avoid the injection of political correctness employed in later translations by Islamic scholars.

The Qur’an identifies and sanctions a Party of Men

In Sura 3:105 (a chapter or section of the Qur’an) a party of men is explicitly identified and sanctioned to invite goodness, enjoin equity, and forbid evil.  This author refers to this party of men as the We Party.  They appear throughout the Qur’an under the plural terms, We, Our and Us.  Islamic religious leaders construe We, Our and Us as being Allah, the all-forgiving and merciful God.  In reality, they are a party of men, fanatical aggressors who are responsible for the destruction of many towns and the killing of innocent people in the name of Allah.  Imams, caliphs and mullahs are insistent that We, Our and Us is the one God Allah.  But the following suras (of many) clearly show it is the planned strategy of militants killing people while they are asleep at night or in the afternoon while at play.

Sura 7:5-7. Little is it that you heed. How many a town have We destroyed! Our punishment came upon their dwellers by night or while they slept at noon. When Our punishment came upon them all they could utter was: We are indeed wrongdoers.

Sura 7:97-100. We afflicted them suddenly with chastisement, while they perceived not the cause thereof. If the people of those towns had believed and been righteous, We would surely have bestowed blessings upon them from heaven and earth, but they rejected the Prophets, so We seized them because of that which they did. Do the people of these towns now feel secure against the coming of Our punishment upon them by night while they are asleep? Or, do they feel secure against the coming of Our punishment upon them in the forenoon while they are at play? Do they feel secure against the design of Allah? None feels secure against the design of Allah, except those that are losers.

Muslims are Commanded by Islamic Religious Leaders

The ruthlessness of fanatical Islamic terrorists, acting in the name of Allah, continues in many countries today. It is the Qur’an itself that is used as a medium of indoctrination to motivate Muslims to kill innocent men, women and children because they do not accept Allah as their God.  Below, the conclusion that a party of men directs Muslims to perform abominable crimes is clearly verified in the Qur’an.  It clearly reveals it is a religious leader of high rank that tells his army of men to draw on the wrath of Allah to kill disbelievers or hell shall be their abode.

Qur’an Sura 8:16-19. O ye who believe, when you encounter an hostile force of the disbelievers, turn not your backs on them. Whoso turns his back on them on such an occasion, unless maneuvering for battle or turning to join another company, shall draw upon himself the wrath of Allah and hell shall be his abode. An evil resort it is.

Thus on the day of Badr it was not you who slew them, but it was Allah who killed them; and it was not thou who didst throw gravel at their faces, but it was Allah Who threw it, that He might confer a great favour upon the believers. Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. That is so; and Allah will surely undermine the design of the disbelievers.

It is evident that the above sura was written by a commander as one reads of the strategy not to turn and run when encountering a hostile force unless it is necessary to maneuver for battle by turning and joining another company. But notice in the second paragraph that the commander uses his leadership to strengthen the resolve of his troops by stating “it was not you who slew them, but it was Allah who killed them.” Clearly, these are not the words of Allah but a commander or a powerful religious leader.

The commander’s technique of using Allah as sanctioning atrocities has been a successful form of brainwashing or leadership to convince his fighters that the killings were not through their own volition but by Allah, who supports and directs their cause. This mind trick is another way of convincing people that they are not responsible for their misdeeds but some outside force, which they attribute to God. But this thinking reminds us of the infantile answer made popular by one of our greatest comedians, Flip Wilson with, “The devil made me do that.”

To rationalize the killing of innocent people, the religious leader of the We Party tells his fighters that “it was not thou who didst throw gravel at their faces, but it was Allah Who threw it,” and, “that He might confer a great favor on the believers.” This mind trick by religious leaders allows them to make their followers obey their will by placing the act of murder on Allah. But think about it, would God kill His own creations for not worshipping Him? Is the all-forgiving and merciful God unpredictable by rescinding His command “Thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13)?”

The Qur’an is Used by Islamic Religious Leaders

It becomes apparent that a party of religious leaders are actively using the Qur’an to force the belief in Allah for the unification of Muslims and create a Theocratic Islamic Empire.

Are imams, caliphs and mullahs around the world actively raising their voices to prohibit fanatic parties of men from shedding the blood of disbelievers?  Or, are they indoctrinated, mesmerized, and entrenched in the dogma of the Qur’an whereby they are incapable of love, compassion, and forgiveness of those who follow another faith?

We must all pause and acknowledge that God has introduced Himself to people of many cultures and nations. His only desire is that human beings love one another–this was His last command to mankind, announced three times by a man of God, which in all its simplicity is the Word of God.

It is clear that although Judaic and Christian leaders of today recognize the folly of not implementing God’s last command given by Jesus in the Gospel of John, they have stopped killing and terrorizing nonbelievers in the name of God. Will Islamic religious leaders loudly proclaim today and tomorrow that there will be a halt to violence and terror and strongly impose the Word of God? It is hoped that tolerance, compassion, understanding, truthfulness, and love for our brothers and sisters will be acknowledged by Islamic religious leaders.

For Islamic leaders to continue on their present path of destruction by indoctrinating naïve, unsuspecting, and loving Muslims to kill in the name of God will only lead to more disorder, terror, killing of human lives, and possibly a long-term pollution of our earth caused by a war that unleashes nuclear bombs.  Intelligent, compassionate, and perceptive Islamic religious leaders must stop the insanity of terror and murder. Can they reach out to the religious leaders of the Judaic and Christian religions and together unify their beliefs and teach the Word of God?

Such a challenge takes courage, intellect, and loving hearts of Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religious leaders. The question remains, are there religious leaders, representatives of God, that will loudly proclaim they insist on unifying their belief in God and teach His greatest command, love one another, our brothers and sisters around the world?

This author would like your comments be they pro or con. Your thoughts may lead to recommendations that may make our world a happier and safer place. Do you agree with the following conclusion:

Allah is represented by a party of religious men referred to as We, Our and Us in the Qur’an.  For a comprehensive history of Islam and further verification of this conclusion, you may access a free read of the book, Allah, We, Our and Us by clicking on the following link:

This author believes that Muslims around the world who actively want peace to pressure their religious leaders to teach the Word of God.  It may be the most practical solution to avoid WW III.  Muslims who are educated perceive that the present path of Islam, directed by the words of the Qur’an, will lead to destruction of our earth and humanity.