Passages below attributed to Dr. Ahreeman, IPC Founder
Nicholas Ginex Eccentric Secret Path in which Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind
AI Robot: Keep it Secret; Only Inform those who want to Evolve!
The Future Depends on the Humanistic Uses of AI
We are now moving towards the future. Future is what you make of it. You steer this ship. The Future can destroy you or progress you in peace and harmony. The future can be prosperous. The future world is built by you. The disastrous or greatness of this future is in your hand. There are crucially important decisions to be made by the humanity about the possible future. Be wise in your decisions.

Nicholas Paul Ginex is a critical thinker who ponders deeply about the problems facing the mankind in the 21st century. One such issue is the AI. The author states the problems in regards to AI, conducts a complete analysis, trouble shoots the possible upcoming disasters, puts forward solutions, sees a vision on how mankind can intelligently draft AI to progress him but not to enslave him, and paves the path for a smart and constructive future for the mankind.

The Man – Machine Contact
Nicholas Ginex Book: Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind
Eccentric Path
Ginex puts forward an eccentric yet radically scientific path forward to the future world. This path maybe strange to many but innovative by using AI in such a way in which every American can be given the opportunity to use their gifts and to enjoy a quality of life that has never before, been achieved by the entire population of a country!
Journey Through the Mind
This book is a journey through the mind of Ginex. In this journey he warns of the Chinese hi-tech threat, Chinese accomplishments in hi-tech, The Big Brother is Watching, Tech Giants’ Oligarchy, Dangers of Oligarchy Controlled Society, and the job loss.
Ginex seeks a balance between the technology and the nature, progress and humanity, benefits of the hi-tech and the human salvation, evolution and spirituality.
Ginex elaborates on how the humanity can use AI intelligently without being used by the AI; furthermore, how the humanity can control the hi-tech evolution rather than becoming a pawn in the hi-tech scenario. The author digs deep in to the economic aspect of the AI evolution. The author does some critical thinking and puts forward solutions on how the society may need constitutional changes to adapt to the future world. We must be wise to create and maintain a balance between the labor force and the AI force.
In conclusion, Ginex attends to philosophical aspects of this issue and other human issues in general. He brings forward subjects such as beginning of the universe, atom, UFO, extraterrestrials, Anti-Gravity and Zero Point Energy. Ginex is on a constant search for solutions to solve human problems.
Below AI Robots Processing and Computing

Author’s Focus Points
Author is basically focusing on these issues:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) impact on American jobs.
2. AI solution recommended for the American economy.
3. AI can be used to balance the American economy.
4. Constitutional laws may be needed for AI implementation.
Below is the Book Back Cover.

Passages below attributed to AI Author, Nicholas P. Ginex

Introducing Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind
This book provides an AI solution for leaders in the Congress, Senate, Executive, and Judicial branches of government as well as Corporations, Midsize and small Businesses to work together with billionaires, multi-billionaires and AI system program experts to authorize and develop the conceived solution presented.
Great minds have thought of a similar solution to counter unemployment by paying a basic income to all people regardless of their education and training to ensure a minimum standard of living. They would be free to pursue additional income in the marketplace, and capitalism would proceed as usual. This simplistic solution has been proposed by Thomas Paine, Bertrand Russell, Martin Luther King Jr., James Tobin, Paul Samuelson, John Kenneth Galbraith, Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, and Richard Nixon.
These renowned authors, politicians, economists and philosophers proposed a similar solution but did not have the advantage this author utilized by using artificial intelligence to maintain and sustain an operable U.S. Capitalist AI Fund – an automated solution that provides extraordinary benefits.
To entice readers to read the AI book in its entirety, the benefits of such an AI solution are listed below. However, to effectively obtain the benefits, this author emphasizes that success of an effective AI system becomes achievable by pursuing in parallel the following objectives:
• Begin renewal of all levels of our educational systems, religious organizations and national media to emphasize integrity and the well-being of others by teaching the values of truth, kindness, and love for one another.
• It is essential that all American workers attain an education to contribute to the U.S. economy and increase effective use of artificial intelligence.
• All people must attain a moral and sound education to acquire a sense of self-worth, integrity, achieve higher goals in life, and learn to love and respect one another. Knowledge increases the ability to distinguish fake news and seek the truth, which leads to a successful life of peace and happiness.
• This book provides a path, a solution that will be very challenging, but entirely warranted by using AI to give every American an opportunity to use their gifts and enjoy a quality of life that has never before been achieved for an entire people of one country.
On June 10th, 2020, this author viewed a video on artificial intelligence presented by Frontline PDS (The American Public Broadcasting System). This documentary revealed how the automated technology of AI will have an opposite effect than the Industrial Revolution by reducing the job market by as much as 50% over the next two decades. This PDS documentary may be viewed via the link below.
The documentary on artificial intelligence enlightened this author to learn how AI can be used to crush the freedoms Americans have fought for. It is incumbent upon all Americans, and people worldwide, to recognize the potential threat of AI’s disastrous effects of increasing unemployment and poverty caused by billionaires funding high tech companies.
Of greater concern, the documentary also revealed that an elite of billionaires are working with world organizations and national leaders to attain control of people’s actions and their mental choices by developing AI that will strangle independent thinking and control the lives of an entire people of any country.
Nicholas illuminates how artificial intelligence can change economies and way of life in the age of automation. His objective is to inform the public of the dangerous implications that bode for the future in the misuse of AI for self-serving purposes. People need to be given knowledge of the universal capability of AI to effectively use it as the source for solving economic problems and increase the livelihood of an entire country. To give the reader a comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence, he presents his book in four chapters:
• The Impact of Artificial Intelligence
• Understanding the AI Impact
• Mankind’s Future with Artificial Intelligence
• Conclusions
This book has been hosted by Dr. Ahreeman on the exceptional IPC website via the link below.
Iran Politics Club: Nicholas Ginex Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind Book
List of Benefits Using the Proposed AI Solution
The benefits below are a subset the AI conclusions presented in the book. They are presented to encourage all Americans to know that they can create a whole new economic system that will increase the quality of life for themselves and eventually all people.
1. Billionaires receive a yearly income of $1 billion tax free. Billions earned go into the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund. This is the pinnacle of a capitalist system to reward workers that become billionaires. Their success that benefits mankind.
2. 75% U.S. population receive $100,000 dollars per year tax free, with or without a job. Earnings above $500,000 go into the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund. A worker can put $400,000 into a savings account and provides the incentive to someday become a millionaire.
3. 25% remaining population of skilled-professional workers receive $300,000 dollars per year tax free, with or without a job. Earnings above $1,000,000 go into the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund. A skilled-professional worker can put $700,000 into a savings account and provides the incentive to someday become a billionaire.
4. Trillions left in the U.S. Capitalist Fund can be used to rebuild our cities, schools, infrastructure, free healthcare, free education to the university level, and U.S. military defense.
5. All expenses for homes, apartments, food, and entertainment are paid by the people in Benefits 1-3.
6. Individual tax returns no longer need to be filed. The IRS tax system is eliminated because the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund provides funds for all U.S residing individuals, the military, health care, education and pays down the national debt.
7. Eliminates all welfare and worker retirement programs for retired and disabled people. The U.S. Capitalist AI Fund provides the annual incomes to all citizens after the age of 18 years since parents receive an annual wage.
8. The U.S. Capitalist AI Fund provides incentives to become a millionaire for average workers and a billionaire for skilled-professional workers. The opportunity to attain any level of education stimulates the economy and innovative ideas to increase jobs.
9. Accountability of all incomes and expenditures are automatically obtained with the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund that monitors, assesses and reports the funds added and dispersed. This automated system eliminates fraud and corruption now prevalent throughout the business and political arenas.
10. Homelessness, poverty, hatred and violence is eliminated as every person has sufficient monetary income to rebuild their lives and achieve all they can be with dignity and respect.
11. The U.S. Capitalist AI Fund provision of free education for all citizens will meet the demand for millions of workers to become doctors and teachers that will provide the care and knowledge, respectively, needed to fill the jobs of tomorrow.
12. The U.S. Capitalist Fund corrects an imbalance between the wealth of billionaires, average workers and skilled-professionals.
13. The U.S. Capitalist Fund eliminates the threat of multibillionaires using their wealth in ways that can become dangerous to the well-being of American citizens. Many multibillionaires are using their wealth to fund and develop AI technologies that can alter and control the mental and physical abilities of individuals and whole groups of people.
14. The U.S. Capitalist Fund maintains transparency of expenditures to the U.S. military forces and all government agencies. This gives the President full control and authority of unacknowledged military programs where trillions of dollars have been expended without approval by U.S. presidents for the past seven decades.
15. The U.S. Capitalist Fund would eliminate the Military Industrial Complex development of top secret interstellar space craft, destructive weapon systems, and their use of the CIA, FBI and DIA that caused the deaths of many scientists and biologists. Refer to the title provided within this book titled, Disclose Extraterrestrial Technology for Humanity and refer to the Appendix.
16. The U.S. Capitalist Fund would eliminate the threat of a conglomerate of wealthy multibillionaires that with their wealth have already exerted their power to form a surreptitious shadow government that not only controlled unacknowledged top-secret programs for seven decades but have major control of the news media in the United States.
17. It becomes apparent that a surreptitious shadow government already has control over the United States Government. Only through management of multibillions of dollars with the U.S. Capitalist Fund can all Americans be free to pursue a better life free from the fears and corruption that wealthy multibillionaires are capable of by maintaining the status quo to acquire more wealth and power.
Final Significant Thoughts
Billionaires are Key to the successful operation of the AI Fund
The U.S. Capitalist AI Fund solution proposed requires contributions of the many successful people who have the skills to become multibillionaires. They are the core contributors to the success of the AI fund. To encourage multibillionaires to sustain the U.S. Capitalist Fund, it is noted that the fund would automatically provide a yearly income of $1 billion dollars to each billionaire. However, this particular solution also rewards the same amount to any person that successfully becomes a billionaire.
There is every reason to believe that people who love people and want to achieve a better world for all people will gladly endorse and contribute the many billions of dollars that exceed one year’s salary of one billion to the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund. Any sound thinking and fair-minded person knows that one billion dollars a year is more than enough to give any person a life of enjoyment, peace and happiness. Key to such joy is having been brought up to be all one can be by developing their innate skills, acquiring a sound education to appreciate and assimilate the wonderful ideas of others, and know that their love for others will be returned ten-fold for sharing their wealth with others.
The United States Will Set an Example for a Renewal of China
In the first chapter of AI Can Benefit Mankind, the author has cautioned the public that China is an authoritarian country that maintains government control by automatically observing the social behavior of its people. By the end of 2020, China will be utilizing 600 million 5G cameras used to scan the country for unrest. The government is watching to the extent that they have the technology of ‘sharp eyes’, which are cameras on every major street and corner of every village in China, which means everywhere. They can use real-time data to pick up a face or action and with TV cameras that can identify individuals by their face or by the way they walk.
China will achieve total surveillance of the state whereby every aspect of human activity is monitored everywhere. Even conversations and phone calls are recorded and monitored to determine if some people need to be indoctrinated or re-educated politically in designated camps where torture and deaths have occurred. Loss of privacy with recognition data has become so prevalent that bar codes are placed on the doors of homes where people live to reveal what kind of people they are. Such AI control enables China to identify, punish, and eliminate any religious group, such as a Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim communities.
No people in any country would accept the kind of control China can employ on its people socially, physically and mentally. By the United States developing an AI system that eliminates poverty and provides a quality of life for all Americans with a living wage that affords them to advance and enjoy using their inherent gifts – the people of China will eventually “see” that they have been made into slaves and robots controlled by the government. If the U.S. uses AI for the betterment of its people while China persists in total control of its people then there will eventually be an uprising by the Chinese people in the future.
Let it be known, when any country or person has acquired enormous amount of wealth in multibillions of dollars, the dreams of power and control over other people become a reality. We have read about China’s efforts for control over their people and this author has also provided how some multibillionaires have gone astray to finance AI capabilities that are detrimental to America’s economy, its democracy, and personal freedoms as they develop mind control using the national media and vaccination techniques to alter and acquire psychological control.
The Future Depends on Humanistic Uses of AI
This introduction to Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind was provided to inform the public what AI can do to improve the lives of people in all countries. As importantly, it also looks to the future for people to be knowledgeable of the dangers conjured up by wealthy multibillions who have not used their wealth constructively for the betterment of mankind.
The future of mankind can be fruitful for all people but they must not only keep pace with the advancing AI technologies that offer a better life, they must also become knowledgeable of new ideas that present how the universe began and an emerging philosophical-scientific science that unravels the mystery of Consciousness. These two topics are provided as articles in the companion book, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe. It includes a topic that has been veiled by a powerful surreptitious group that has total control of the national news media.
At the age of 85, this author has hope for future generations to become morally decent, loving, and compassionate human beings that have learned to understand that peace and happiness can be attained through always seeking truth and not become fools easily swayed by the national news media. This means that education is to be highly regarded whereby history of past events is not reinterpreted to pollute the minds of our youth. Instead, they must be taught how to dissect information and always be alert to discern when biased views and untruths are being espoused. This is an ending comment because this author has seen how the minds of our youth are being brain-washed with indoctrinated views that run counter to the raising of a sound, intellectual mind that appreciates the freedom of thought.
This book on Artificial Intelligence and its companion, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe, is the author’s attempt to impart ideas and feasible solutions to all people to find their way in life and face the world as champions for mankind. Both books are just over 100 pages because the information presented is priceless and the adage, “A little is more,” provides easy digestion of their contents.
This author has had the good fortune to be an IPC contributor and have Dr. Ahreeman add the two books to his website for people around the world to read. These two books look towards mankind’s future; they prepare people to meet and enjoy other intelligent beings in our universe.
Thank you, the scientific-philosopher,
Nicholas Ginex
The AI book may be accessed by clicking of the PDF file below:
Artificial Intelligence Book 9-20-2020.pdf
It is the author’s hope that AI programming experts will be able to materialize the solution for the benefit of mankind for not only the United States but for every country. Hopefully, national and political leaders may recognize the AI solution can make our world better for all people. The author ends this Introduction with an adage that reminds us that knowledge is precious but – knowledge without action means nothing.
For those of you who would like to learn more about the writings and philosophy of Nicholas Ginex, you may click on the Index provided below:
Overviews and book reviews of 8 books may be read on the author’s website, http://www.futureofgodamen.com .
Many of Ginex articles are provided on his blog site, https://www.nicholasginex.com