Posted by OpEdNews 9/1/2015 via:
Islam for many countries is a very real threat to the values and culture that identifies their people. This article challenges Muslim religious leaders and scholars to consider the possibility of revising the Qur’an so that its many verses that incite bigotry, hatred, violence and murder of innocent people are replaced with God’s greatest command — love one another. This may be a naïve solution but it is indeed better than the strong possibility of WWIII. The solution can be accomplished by the millions of educated Muslims who perceive the danger and are willing to stand up against religious leaders whose minds are totally indoctrinated with the dogma of Islam.
Will Islamic Leaders Revise the Quran?
Islamic religious leaders and scholars have defended their religion by strongly supporting the beliefs presented in the Qur’an. However over the last few decades, more Muslims have become educated and are asking why their communities have become isolated from their neighbors and why are they feared by people of other cultures in many countries?
The purpose of any religion is to teach people to live harmoniously with one another and respect all of God’s children. However, the book, Allah, We, Our and Us reveals that the Qur’an promotes bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of people who do not believe in Allah. The prime Islamic beliefs taught to all Muslims are that they have the true religion (Sura 9:29), it is the Religion of Truth, and that Allah will make it prevail over all other religions (9:33). Hence, on the world stage we have a “bully religion” whereby Islamic leaders indoctrinate their followers to eliminate the religious beliefs of other people.
A truism that is ingrained into Muslim belief has been succinctly stated by Osman S. Ahmed, Ph.D., “The core message of Islam is contained in its name–Islam, which means submission to the Creator and complete surrender of one’s will and life to Him.”¹ Dr. Ahmed further summarizes this basic tenet of Islam below:
“Islam starts with the concept of surrender and submission to God – the Creator, the Cherisher, the Beginning and End of all things, the Lord in Whose Hands lie everything, and Who has control over all things, the Merciful, the Omnipotent, and the Ultimate Reality. The word Islam literally means surrender or submission, and the one who surrenders is a Muslim. ”²
An article titled, Indoctrination of the Muslim Mind clearly shows how Muslims are indoctrinated with the Qur’an. Throughout the Qur’an, there is a psychological use of “We, Our and Us,” which refers to the one god Allah. The use of these plural pronouns forms the psyche of Muslim minds to associate themselves with Allah and thereby believe they are commanded by Allah. It creates a feeling of unity with the Creator and the compulsion to impose this unity on all people with the altruistic belief that they are promoting the integration of mankind with the Creator. Hence, the Qur’an is a highly effective tool; a manual used by Islamic religious leaders to indoctrinate the Muslim mind. It causes a mindset that is similar to that promoted by Hitler who led his people to believe they were the Master Race. The outcome results in war with those who do not conform to Islamic beliefs; the alliance with Allah is similar to Germany’s warfare on other nations with the belief that they were a superior people.
The photo below shows a young boy has been successfully indoctrinated with the dogma of the Qur’an. Taught the beliefs of the Qur’an by Islamic religious leaders, he is about to shoot a captive in the head. His mind has been ingrained with the belief that Allah commands Islam is the true religion and will prevail over all other religions.
ISIS execute the ‘Israeli spy’
The Qur’an is the sole document used by Islamic religious leaders to indoctrinate their Muslim followers; it is implemented using Sharia law. The result has been the development of many terrorist organizations whereby they force their beliefs on others and, in many cases, do not even give the alternative of paying a tax to preserve their lives but ruthlessly cause their death. This has been witnessed throughout the world with the mass murder of Jews, Christians, Buddhists, other religious people, and nonbelievers who do not worship Allah.
There is historical evidence, since the inception of Islam, that it is the Qur’an that is the source of discontent around the world. The question arises, why haven’t Islamic religious leaders sought to use the Qur’an to promote peace rather than an objective to attain world domination? History shows, as documented in Allah, We, Our and Us and Obama, Islam and Benghazi, that Muslims are indoctrinated with the Qur’an to attain the riches, wealth, and lands of other people. The mindset of being superior and being one with Allah eliminates the passion for elevating their lives with education and take pride in their own accomplishments. The relative ease of simply taking from others is much easier than self-development when one places their life in Allah. This is a tribal mentality that originally existed with uneducated Arabs. An Islamic poor education is endemic as it limits the study of historical and philosophical world views and emphasizes the dogma contained in the Qur’an. The limited exposure of world history and known great writers makes Muslims easy followers of a rogue religion that reeks havoc and death of other people.
What is the solution to save a religion that has a record of developing terror armies and extremists, which kill people in the name of their God, Allah? Any educated, morally astute religious leader, who has been exposed to many religious beliefs around the world, would be able to reason that the Qur’an itself has many verses that cause bigotry, hatred, violence and the killing of innocent people. The solution is a simple one; revise the Qur’an by eliminating those verses that cause hate, violence and the killing of people who have religious beliefs other than Islam.
All representatives of God serve the purpose to teach their people to love one another. It is their mandate to teach God’s children to love one another so that they may be received by God. Every religion has different beliefs as to the possibility of a God providing a reward for those that live decent, moral, and honorable lives. Certainly, heaven does not exist for a person who kills another person who believes in God in a different way. Recorded history documents that God has introduced Himself in the minds of men beginning with the Ancient Egyptians. He has caused men to be inspired to visualize and worship Him in order to aspire to higher levels of moral conduct.
The Egyptians first believed in many gods because they venerated all living things. But as they became more civilized and began to think of God as being the Creator of all there is, they conceptualized the belief in one-universal God. The Priesthood of Amon wrote hymns (scripture) extolling Amon as the Sole God. Several extracts of their hymn to Amon are presented in the book, Future of God Amen. This book reveals that the beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians were emulated by the Hebrews, Christians and Muslims. Each group of people learned from the beliefs developed by former civilizations borrowing core beliefs that resulted in the Torah, the Gospels, and the Qur’an. Few people know that of the Ten Commandments, eight (and much more) were practiced by the Egyptians.
What people need to understand is that mankind is on a journey in learning about their purpose in life and that they may someday understand the essence of God. Nobody truly knows God but His essence pervades the universe in the form of consciousness that has caused atoms and the smallest of particles to coalesce to form inorganic and organic matter.
The Egyptians developed the concept of one-universal God; an idea that took many thousands of years. Many advances in the belief of many gods to one God brought mankind to the stage of development we have today. The important thing to realize is that the Egyptian Priesthood revised their religious beliefs until they conceived the ultimate belief of one God. That God is announced in many houses of worship as people relevantly say Amen. In fact, in Revelation, 3:13-14, it was Jesus that stated for those that hath an ear :
Amen is the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.
Therefore, this author humbly requests Islamic religious leaders to acknowledge that if the Egyptians were astute enough to revise their beliefs in God many, many times, that they too can elevate the Muslim people to a higher state of spiritual development by revising the Qur’an. No Holy Book is casted in concrete; never to be updated to reflect the advancement of mankind to the next stage of moral, intellectual, and spiritual development. Jesus, a Man of God, proclaimed for all people a command that he announced three times – love one another. Truly, if all religious leaders will teach this command and make it the focal point of people’s moral upbringing – there would be peace throughout the world.
Are Islamic religious and political leaders willing to endorse God’s greatest command? The probability is extremely low when one considers that there are many different Islamic factions. They all use the Qur’an but the beliefs range from those who believe in peace and love for their fellow man to the highly aggressive interpretation that they have the only true religion and Allah will make Islam prevail over all other religions. The prognosis for peace to be established by religious leaders is therefore nonexistent. The only real and practical solution must be effected by the Muslim people themselves. They must challenge their religious leaders and cause the change that benefits themselves and the rest of world.
This author welcomes and will respond to solutions and comments to reach a peaceful outcome among all religions; this should be the objective of all human beings.
- Osman Sheikh Ahmed, Ph.D., ISLAM, The Seal & Syntheses of Divine Revelations, page 25.
- Osman Sheikh Ahmed, Ph.D., page 21.
Comment by David William Pear
Submitted on Tuesday, Sep 1, 2015 at 10:09:09 AM
This article promotes many ideas that I would call Islamophobic. It is interesting, in an unpleasant way, that he backs them up with few sources other than his own.
For instance when one speaks, as this author does, of a “Muslim mind” he is assuming that 1.5 Billion people have one mind, as if it is some kind of beehive that is based on the Quran and that all the “Muslim mind” dwells on are passages that relate to violence.
Islam has gone through many historical changes and is practiced in many diverse societies. Muslims in those diverse societies have taken on many of the practices and norms of the societies in which they live; most for the good and some for the worse.
When one even starts to generalize about the “Muslim world” and the “Muslim mind” it takes on the characteristic of Islamophobia, especially if used repeatedly in a derogatory manner as the author does. It is as if one were to make reference to the “Christian mind” or the “Jewish mind” and then promote highly derogatory stereotypes. It is unacceptable.
I do not pretend to be an expert on Islam nor am I qualified to defend Islam; nor do I believe it needs defending. However the fact that 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world find spiritual value in their religion, mostly live peaceful and productive lives, love their families just as others do, and are not fanatical murderers and savages as this author would have us believe leads me to conclude that Islamophobia is the real philosophy of hate, and not Islam.
The author warns of an Islamic World War 3, yet fails to mention that it was the “Christian mind” that brought about World Wars 1 & 2 and produced the Hitler he talks about the Muslims emulating. Those war and others by the “Christian nations” have resulted in deaths, disabilities, widows, orphans and refugees in the hundreds of millions of lives.
The politicalization of Islamic fanaticism has more of its foundation in the foreign policies of the “Christian” global north from colonialism, world wars, the Cold War and the post Cold War period that was obsessed with oil and world domination.
The picture that I attached of U.S. soldiers urinating on dead Afghans is used as an example of the brutality of war. I am not (as the author does) using it to indict all U.S. soldiers or “Christians”. To do so against Muslims is ridiculous.
Good Christians should worry more about following their own Bible and less about preaching to Muslims and advising them about their religion.
Ginex Response to Mr. Pear
Submitted on Tuesday, Sep 1, 2015 at 6:01:47 PM
Thank you Mr. Pear for your comments; they are relevant for many people defend Islam in the same way as you do. It is necessary that I provide a fair response so our readers clearly understand why the article was written. People in the free world have been fed the idea that Islam is a religion of peace. Let us review your comments to clearly show that they tend to malign the article with distortions of history and misconceptions.
You began by accusing me that the “Muslim mind” of 1.5 billion people dwells on the passages that relate to violence. Of course there are many loving and intelligent Muslims who are able to discern and forgive the Qur’an verses of bigotry, hate, violence, and the killing of those people who do not follow Islam. But you do realize that it is the Qur’an that is taught to new-born Muslims almost as soon as they are able to walk. The photo of a ten year old boy about to kill a captive verifies the effect of indoctrination by Imams, Caliphs and Mullahs.
You then defend Islam by writing, “Islam has gone through many historical changes and is practiced in many diverse societies. Muslims in those diverse societies have taken on many of the practices and norms of the societies in which they live; most for the good and some for the worse.” This is a misconception that takes advantage of the lack of history of most people. In every country Muslims have migrated, they have kept to themselves with indifference in accepting the values and culture of the indigenous people. In fact in many of their conquered lands, they forbid the construction of Jewish, Christian, and Buddhist houses of worship.
Let’s take a brief look at Islam from its very inception. A brief overview has been extracted from the book, Allah, We Our and Us:
“No other religion has grown as rapidly as Islam. Through the conquest of other countries and offering the people a choice they cannot refuse, conversion or death—Islam has grown to claim over 1.79 billion Muslims worldwide. Many sects have emerged, but all are taught the Qur’an. Two dominant sects have become readily identified as the Shia and Sunni, The key difference between the Sunnis and the Shiites is that the former believe in a democratic choice of their leaders, called Caliphs, not by birth but by their capability to teach Islam; the latter, on the other hand, believe that their leaders, called Imams, should be descendants of Muhammad’s family. . . . .
In just 29 years from the death of Muhammad (661-632 CE), the Muslims had established an Islamic Empire. The first caliph had been concerned only with spreading Islam among the Arabs in Saudi Arabia. Motivated by power and wealth, by 750 CE, the Muslim leaders forced conversion to Islam not only in the Byzantine and Persian empires, but as far west as Spain and all of North Africa, including its east coast down to the island Madagascar, and further east to the northern half of India.”
The above territories included the heart of the Roman and Jewish homelands where Islamic mosques were erected. By 1095 CE, 345 years after the Muslims conquered Christian territories, the Christians formed the Crusades to capture the lands lost to the Muslims. To say it was the Christians that were the aggressors and not the Muslim armies is a distortion of history that many Islamic scholars and universities fail to teach.
The short overview above conclusively reveals that Islam never spread with wide acceptance of people in their conquered lands, but was brutishly forced upon them with the option of paying a tax or face death by the sword. Can any student of history honestly claim that Islam is a religion of peace? Today, many free-loving people are threatened by the incursion of Islam into their lands whereby Muslims are reluctant to assimilate their morals and cultural values.
Mr. Pear provided a photo of American soldiers peeing on dead Islamic terrorists but fails to remind people of the burning alive of an Jordanian pilot in a steel cage or the thousands of Christians, Jews, Buddhists and others who have been decapitated, their woman raped, and their houses of worship destroyed. Yes, many Muslims are loving and desire to have a peaceful life with their neighbors but this article informs naive people that Muslims are all indoctrinated with the same religious scripture – the Qur’an. Even today I just learned that a Buddhist temple that has existed for more than 2,000 years was destroyed by Muslim-Islamic terrorists. Remember, all Muslims are taught from the same book – the Qur’an. Only the educated, astute, and discerning Muslims have been able to brake lose from the indoctrination they received in their youth.
The author of this article has only one objective, which is to inform people of the truth. He does not like to be made a fool of by lies and deceptive arguments. In the same way he does not like to have people made fools of by the lies and misconceptions of those who defend a religion that has, since its inception, destroyed many innocent lives in the name of Allah.
It should be known that this author has many friends that are Muslim and in particular, has many Muslim friends that have left the religion of Islam. It is fortunate that many educated Muslims are apostates that deride Islam as a religion of hate. Many Iranians were formerly Persians who were conquered by the Muslim armies and it is this group of people who have never forgotten their heritage and cultural values.
Readers of this article are encouraged to go the Iranian website where they will find this author is highly praised for his articles and books by Iranians and former Muslims.
This response to the above comment is longer than I desire. But it is my mission to inform people around the world that Islam is a threat to all free-loving people. The purpose of this article is to humbly challenge Islamic religious leaders to take an objective look at the Qur’an and acknowledge that it lacks God’s greatest command – “love one another.” To me, although it appears to be an impossibility for Islamic leaders to revise the Qur’an by making love one another its central theme, I offer it as a solution to be achieved by the Muslim people themselves.
Hope on, hope ever! Yet the time shall come,
When man to man shall be a friend and brother
And this old world shall be a happy home,
And all Earth’s family loves one another!
Hope on, hove ever.
By Gerald Massey, Egyptologist and Poet. This poem is featured on this author’s website,
Comment by David William Pear
Submitted on Tuesday, Sep 1, 2015 at 10:09:09 AM
This article promotes many ideas that I would call Islamophobic. It is interesting, in an unpleasant way, that he backs them up with few sources other than his own.
For instance when one speaks, as this author does, of a “Muslim mind” he is assuming that 1.5 Billion people have one mind, as if it is some kind of beehive that is based on the Quran and that all the “Muslim mind” dwells on are passages that relate to violence.
Islam has gone through many historical changes and is practiced in many diverse societies. Muslims in those diverse societies have taken on many of the practices and norms of the societies in which they live; most for the good and some for the worse.
When one even starts to generalize about the “Muslim world” and the “Muslim mind” it takes on the characteristic of Islamophobia, especially if used repeatedly in a derogatory manner as the author does. It is as if one were to make reference to the “Christian mind” or the “Jewish mind” and then promote highly derogatory stereotypes. It is unacceptable.
I do not pretend to be an expert on Islam nor am I qualified to defend Islam; nor do I believe it needs defending. However the fact that 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world find spiritual value in their religion, mostly live peaceful and productive lives, love their families just as others do, and are not fanatical murderers and savages as this author would have us believe leads me to conclude that Islamophobia is the real philosophy of hate, and not Islam.
The author warns of an Islamic World War 3, yet fails to mention that it was the “Christian mind” that brought about World Wars 1 & 2 and produced the Hitler he talks about the Muslims emulating. Those war and others by the “Christian nations” have resulted in deaths, disabilities, widows, orphans and refugees in the hundreds of millions of lives.
The politicalization of Islamic fanaticism has more of its foundation in the foreign policies of the “Christian” global north from colonialism, world wars, the Cold War and the post Cold War period that was obsessed with oil and world domination.
The picture that I attached of U.S. soldiers urinating on dead Afghans is used as an example of the brutality of war. I am not (as the author does) using it to indict all U.S. soldiers or “Christians”. To do so against Muslims is ridiculous.
Good Christians should worry more about following their own Bible and less about preaching to Muslims and advising them about their religion.
Ginex Response to Mr. Pear
Submitted on Tuesday, Sep 1, 2015 at 6:01:47 PM
Thank you Mr. Pear for your comments; they are relevant for many people defend Islam in the same way as you do. It is necessary that I provide a fair response so our readers clearly understand why the article was written. People in the free world have been fed the idea that Islam is a religion of peace. Let us review your comments to clearly show that they tend to malign the article with distortions of history and misconceptions.
You began by accusing me that the “Muslim mind” of 1.5 billion people dwells on the passages that relate to violence. Of course there are many loving and intelligent Muslims who are able to discern and forgive the Qur’an verses of bigotry, hate, violence, and the killing of those people who do not follow Islam. But you do realize that it is the Qur’an that is taught to new-born Muslims almost as soon as they are able to walk. The photo of a ten year old boy about to kill a captive verifies the effect of indoctrination by Imams, Caliphs and Mullahs.
You then defend Islam by writing, “Islam has gone through many historical changes and is practiced in many diverse societies. Muslims in those diverse societies have taken on many of the practices and norms of the societies in which they live; most for the good and some for the worse.” This is a misconception that takes advantage of the lack of history of most people. In every country Muslims have migrated, they have kept to themselves with indifference in accepting the values and culture of the indigenous people. In fact in many of their conquered lands, they forbid the construction of Jewish, Christian, and Buddhist houses of worship.
Let’s take a brief look at Islam from its very inception. A brief overview has been extracted from the book, Allah, We Our and Us:
“No other religion has grown as rapidly as Islam. Through the conquest of other countries and offering the people a choice they cannot refuse, conversion or death—Islam has grown to claim over 1.79 billion Muslims worldwide. Many sects have emerged, but all are taught the Qur’an. Two dominant sects have become readily identified as the Shia and Sunni, The key difference between the Sunnis and the Shiites is that the former believe in a democratic choice of their leaders, called Caliphs, not by birth but by their capability to teach Islam; the latter, on the other hand, believe that their leaders, called Imams, should be descendants of Muhammad’s family. . . . .
In just 29 years from the death of Muhammad (661-632 CE), the Muslims had established an Islamic Empire. The first caliph had been concerned only with spreading Islam among the Arabs in Saudi Arabia. Motivated by power and wealth, by 750 CE, the Muslim leaders forced conversion to Islam not only in the Byzantine and Persian empires, but as far west as Spain and all of North Africa, including its east coast down to the island Madagascar, and further east to the northern half of India.”
The above territories included the heart of the Roman and Jewish homelands where Islamic mosques were erected. By 1095 CE, 345 years after the Muslims conquered Christian territories, the Christians formed the Crusades to capture the lands lost to the Muslims. To say it was the Christians that were the aggressors and not the Muslim armies is a distortion of history that many Islamic scholars and universities fail to teach.
The short overview above conclusively reveals that Islam never spread with wide acceptance of people in their conquered lands, but was brutishly forced upon them with the option of paying a tax or face death by the sword. Can any student of history honestly claim that Islam is a religion of peace? Today, many free-loving people are threatened by the incursion of Islam into their lands whereby Muslims are reluctant to assimilate their morals and cultural values.
Mr. Pear provided a photo of American soldiers peeing on dead Islamic terrorists but fails to remind people of the burning alive of an Jordanian pilot in a steel cage or the thousands of Christians, Jews, Buddhists and others who have been decapitated, their woman raped, and their houses of worship destroyed. Yes, many Muslims are loving and desire to have a peaceful life with their neighbors but this article informs naive people that Muslims are all indoctrinated with the same religious scripture – the Qur’an. Even today I just learned that a Buddhist temple that has existed for more than 2,000 years was destroyed by Muslim-Islamic terrorists. Remember, all Muslims are taught from the same book – the Qur’an. Only the educated, astute, and discerning Muslims have been able to brake lose from the indoctrination they received in their youth.
The author of this article has only one objective, which is to inform people of the truth. He does not like to be made a fool of by lies and deceptive arguments. In the same way he does not like to have people made fools of by the lies and misconceptions of those who defend a religion that has, since its inception, destroyed many innocent lives in the name of Allah.
It should be known that this author has many friends that are Muslim and in particular, has many Muslim friends that have left the religion of Islam. It is fortunate that many educated Muslims are apostates that deride Islam as a religion of hate. Many Iranians were formerly Persians who were conquered by the Muslim armies and it is this group of people who have never forgotten their heritage and cultural values.
Readers of this article are encouraged to go the Iranian website where they will find this author is highly praised for his articles and books by Iranians and former Muslims.
This response to the above comment is longer than I desire. But it is my mission to inform people around the world that Islam is a threat to all free-loving people. The purpose of this article is to humbly challenge Islamic religious leaders to take an objective look at the Qur’an and acknowledge that it lacks God’s greatest command – “love one another.” To me, although it appears to be impossibility for Islamic leaders to revise the Qur’an by making love one another its central theme, I offer it as a solution to be achieved by the Muslim people themselves.
Hope on, hope ever! Yet the time shall come,
When man to man shall be a friend and brother
And this old world shall be a happy home,
And all Earth’s family loves one another!
Hope on, hove ever.
By Gerald Massey, Egyptologist and Poet. This poem is featured on this author’s website, .
Comment by David William Pear
Submitted on Tuesday, Sep 1, 2015 at 9:36:07 PM
I dare say that no religion has ever lived up to being a “religion of peace”. Certainly not Christianity or Judaism or any of the pagan religions that marched across what today is Europe and the Middle East.
That Islam conquered the Iberian Peninsula before the concept of the nation-state even existed does not make it special. Armies invaded Europe and the Middle East from the north, east, west and south; and they fought each other for centuries. Those conquered earlier by the “Christian” Roman Empire would disagree that Christianity was a “religion of peace”, nor would those people after the 15th century of Africa, Asia and the Americas who were “lucky” enough to be given a choice of Christianity or death
In the 21st century nations are given the choice of “Christian” capitalism and neoliberalism or death.
So much for Islamophobia that is the equal of the missionary zeal and propaganda to “civilize the heathen”. That might work in Sunday school and from the pulpit where people know nothing about history.
Christians should spend their efforts on preaching and following their own advice. I recall a few verses about not judging others and removing thy own plank from thy own eye.
Ginex Response to Mr. Pear.
Submitted on Wednesday, Sep 2, 2015 at 5:16:29 PM
Dear Mr. Pear thank you for your response to my comments that reveal Islam is a threat to many countries around the world. I provided a brief history to inform you and our readers that Islam was never a “religion of peace.” As briefly outlined in my response above, beginning with the inception of Islam and death of Muhammad in 632 CE, you need to learn that the Persia and Mesopotamia was conquered by the Muslims in the period 633-651 CE and created an Islamic Empire by 750 CE. Included in the 750 CE Islamic Empire was the conquests of many of the Christian and Jewish lands. You neglected to indicate that it was Islamic armies that destroyed the churches and temples of many of the conquered people and built mosques in over the ruins.
Keep in mind a fact; the Christian Crusades began 345 years after the establishment of the 750 CE Islamic Empire in order to recapture the lands and holy places taken by the Muslims. Yet, misinformed people who are Muslim sympathizers or simply poorly educated in world history always point to the deaths caused by the Crusaders. Today, we are witnessing the continue onslaught of Muslims killing people who do not believe in Islam and desire to follow the religion of their choosing. For readers to learn how many countries are indeed concerned with the threat of Islam transforming their values and culture, please visit the link
This link provides a free read of Allah, We Our and Us and uses only facts and the Qur’an itself to reveal why it is the source of discontent in many parts of the world.
It appears that you are a Muslim or supporter of the Islamic religion and their holy book the Qur’an. This is very possibly due to your exposure to the Qur’an and many wonderful Muslims that are peace-loving. All people are inherently loving for it is the basic quality all living animals have, which is the ability to love one another and continue the procreation of their species.
Mr. Pear, as an editor of OpEdNews, I expect you to be open-minded and stick to the facts I present rather than throw stones by referring to me as being Islamophobic. Let it be known that I am praised for my articles and books that deal with religion, science and philosophy by many Muslims. Fortunately, they are the educated ones that have left the religion of Islam for they see it as a religion which enslaves the human mind and limits the development of mankind to the next stage of development.
Please refrain from providing excuses for the Muslim atrocities occurring throughout the world and keep our level of discourse on a higher plane. In the same way I do not like to offend and makes fools of people by lies and distortions I expect the same treatment.
David William Pear Comment. Submitted September 3, 2015 at 10:16:32 AM
Reply to Nicholas Ginex: You say that I look and sound like a Muslim. Those are ignorant and racist comments, once somebody thinks the implication through. What does a Muslim look and sound like? Those are similar statements to what an ignorant or uncouth person would say when they say that somebody “looks Jewish” or that a Black person is a “discredit to their race”. My religion is irrelevant to the discussion, I did not bring it up and it is offensive for you to make such remarks.
Nor did I call you Islamophobic but said that your article promotes Islamophobia Your soliloquy was not a response to anything I said which appears to be the way you manipulate facts and people.
. It is a small but significant difference. But why should that offend you when you say that the purpose of your article is to “explain” why people should fear Muslims–not just some, not just terrorists, but all Muslims. That is the definition of Islamophobia.
Your saccharine writing is a real study in how propagandist operate, twist words, generalize, falsify facts, appeal to ignorance with pseudo history, inflame prejudice, and incite fear and hatred.
You may have the last word if you care to reply. I am not commenting here for your benefit but for the benefit of others who might stumble across your article and mistake it for something of redeeming substance, which it is not. It is an article that appeals to an agenda of more war regardless of your hiding behind words that talk about peace.
Jim A. Comment. Submitted on Wednesday, Sep 2, 2015 at 3:40:38 PM.
How the hell did I get this in my OpEdNews feed? This is a bigoted hate piece, blatant Islamophobia. I have no time for this, and no room for it in my life. This is despicable, it belongs on a KKK or neo-Nazi website, not OpEdNews!
Ginex Reply to Jim A. Submitted on Wednesday, Sep 2, 2015 at 5:35:13 PM
Hello Jim A., I see you do not have the integrity to use your full name due to the awful language you use in your above comment.
The article I wrote is for serious minded people who are seeking solutions to establish peace between people of different nations and ethnic groups.
There was nothing in the article that was inflammatory or bigoted with hate towards another people. It only presented facts and hard truths that people with a one-sided perspective are not able to understand. Too bad. We can learn a lot from each other by being civil and find ways to come to plausible agreements.
I suggest you reread the article and after a good night’s sleep see if you really would still like to accuse me of blatant Islamophobia, and being a despicable person that exhibits a KKK mentality.
I do not like to engage in your level of rhetoric because I could hurt you more than you can hurt me with the truth. I am a man among men with a high regard for my integrity and how I treat others.
Nicholas Ginex reply to David Pear: Submitted on Saturday, Jan 14, 2017 at 9:28:13 PM
First, I apologize for your misreading what I wrote, which lead you to accuse me of using an “ignorant and racist comment.” To show it is you who would manipulate facts and people, I am repeating what I wrote, “It appears that you are a Muslim or supporter of the Islamic religion and their holy book the Qur’an. This is very possibly due to your exposure to the Qur’an and many wonderful Muslims that are peace-loving. All people are inherently loving for it is the basic quality all living animals have, which is the ability to love one another and continue the procreation of their species.”
Note, I said it appears you are a Muslim or supporter of the Islamic religion. All you need to do to clarify that you are NOT a Muslim supporter is to say so in your response. But instead, you decided to call me an ignorant racist. Not nice. You have got to abide by the old adage, “It’s nice to be nice.”
By the way, if you do follow a religion, you should be proud of your religion and NOT be offended. After all, I did not discredit your religion.
To say my article promotes Islamophobia is another distorted lie. To explain why many people fear Muslims is different from what you wrote, “why people should fear Muslims.” Here again, you cast my words in a different light to have people think I am an ignorant racist. You neglected to point out that in my article I wrote,
“Islamic religious leaders and scholars have defended their religion by strongly supporting the beliefs presented in the Qur’an. However, over the last few decades, more Muslims have become educated and are asking why their communities have become isolated from their neighbors and why are they feared by people of other cultures in many countries?
The purpose of any religion is to teach people to live harmoniously with one another and respect all of God’s children……..”
I never wrote that people should fear Muslims, and certainly, NOT all Muslims. Here again, you are a manipulator of words. You accuse me of what you’re doing and you clearly describe yourself by writing, “Your saccharine writing is a real study in how propagandist operate, twist words, generalize, falsify facts, appeal to ignorance with pseudo history, inflame prejudice, and incite fear and hatred.”
Mr. Pear, you are a real study of a person who twist words and facts. I do not appeal to ignorance and pseudo history. All my assertions and conclusions are rooted in history with real verified facts. It is my purpose to eliminate prejudice, fear and hatred by revealing the TRUTH that is taken out of the Qur’an itself. Are you so blind not to understand the truth when it provided unaltered to you? How dare you insult me by impugning that I “twist words, generalize, falsify facts, appeal to ignorance with pseudo history, inflame prejudice, and incite fear and hatred.” If anybody deserves an apology it is me for your providing propaganda to our readers that discredits my character. I don’t like that! Don’t do it again!
You went on to write, “It is an article that appeals to an agenda of more war regardless of your hiding behind words that talk about peace.”
You are an editor on OpEdNews and I am sure it is because you are intelligent, fair, objective, and honest in your responses to your readers. However, what you have failed to do is to challenge facts, or paragraphs, in the article to show why I am in error in my logic and assertions. Instead, you ignore what is in the article and start discrediting me by calling me an ignorant racist.
Please know, I take the time and provide efforts to reveal what is the truth about what people should know about what is going on in our world. I do not care to convince you to hate and deplore another religion but to become aware why it is so that Islam is a threat to the world. If you, as an intelligent human being, cannot “see” the truth that is based with facts, then try to be humble and absorb what little knowledge I painstakingly put on paper in order to prevent people from the propaganda that does exist. To not try to understand points of view that are not easily absorbed, because of your own beliefs, will be unfortunate. Only a fool continues to be a fool by not exploring other points of view and try to use logic and facts to challenge what they do not agree with.
In the future, take what I have written and challenge it so we can have a fair exchange of ideas and points of view. I do not like to waste my time going around in circles. Let’s work together to educate each other with the truth and nothing but the truth. That’s how we can become friends and solve problems in this world.