The above illustration shows the position of our Solar System in the interstellar Milky Way Galaxy
Welcome to a presentation about the beginning of the universe. It is the author’s hypothetical belief that “Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe.”
My interest in how life began has led me into the realm of quantum physics. It began as a little boy who wondered who was God and where did He come from? Having read books by religious scholars and Egyptologists, a finding surfaced that conclusively revealed how mankind conceived the Maker of all that is. It was the Egyptian Priesthood of Amon that documented the belief in one-universal god called Amon As the Sole God 1. Revered and worshipped 2,000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, believers in God announce his name “Amen” at the end of a prayer, supplication, expression of thanks and praise, and even sing “Amen, Amen, Amen” in reverent tones.
This conception of Amon as being the Maker of All There Is was a result of man’s ability to think of his mortality and relationship to an universal God. But man’s curiosity about God made him venture further beyond the stars to wonder how did the universe begin? To assist in the hypothetical journey of understanding the universe, scientists and philosophers began to explore man’s capability of consciousness and if, in fact, it pervades the universe. Research into quantum physics surfaced the hypothetical idea that the unique positive and negative energy forces of an atom, which can coalesce into inorganic and organic matter, may have an inherent consciousness that tries to reveal itself. Pursuing this idea, it resulted in an article, which was published in an OpEdNews article titled, Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe?
The Beginning of the Universe Began with the Electron
After presenting the possibility that consciousness pervades the universe, it became natural for me to expound on a profound belief that Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe. This belief developed after a lifetime thinking about God as the Maker of All There Is, finding that the electron exists with every atom in the creation of matter throughout the universe, and that consciousness appears be an inherent force that finally expresses itself in living organisms.
In Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe?, it was hypostatized that the universe began with development of a fundamental unit that is the basic building block of all matter – the atom. However, even the atom had a beginning and was formed over an undetermined period of billions or perhaps, trillions of years. Sub-particles formed from quantum fields throughout space created the first fundamental particle called the electron. It is the author’s belief that the universe began with the electron. It is an intrinsic part of every atom that forms all elements on our planet and matter throughout the universe.

Every Atom has One or More Electrons that Orbits its Nucleus.
David Tong, a professor of theoretical physics at Cambridge University gave a presentation titled, Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe. He indicated that the fundamental building blocks of matter are not discrete particles but continuous fluid-like substances, spread throughout all of space, which are called fields. The most familiar examples of fields are the electric and magnetic field. Electromagnetic fields exists everywhere as a fluid that fills the entire universe. It is the author’s belief that there is a transformation of energy within these fields that forms the electron, a negatively charged particle.
As the electron came to exist in infinite numbers, it inherently possessed a consciousness to evolve atoms, which formed the elements of our universe. The atom consists of protons and neutrons that are, like the electron, similarly created from fields but the proton has a positive charge and neutrons a neutral charge. A review of the Periodic Table of Atomic Numbers verifies that the electron may be the mastermind in the creation of atoms. For with every atom, one or more electrons revolves around its nucleus of protons and neutrons . It is the inherent ability of the electron to coalesce protons and neutrons in atoms that determine the characteristic of each element. Therefore, the electron may be the fundamental particle that is responsible for creation of inorganic and organic matter in the universe. To find how many electrons revolve around each atom go HERE.
The Basic Building Block of Matter
Since acceptance of the Big Bang Theory, science has advanced into the unknown territory of infinitesimally small particles studied and quantified with a relatively new scientific discipline called Quantum Physics. Of the many physicists who have discovered that the atom is made of yet smaller particles, an electrical engineer, who ventured into the world of quantum physics, developed a remarkable and profound theory that may unify the gap between macro and micro physics. This engineer, physicist, and inventor is Paramahamsa Tewari.
While exploring the philosophical idea that Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe, its validity was found in Mr. Tewari’s paper titled, Structural Relation Between the Vacuum Space and the Electron3. His paper reveals how the first fundamental particle in the universe, the electron, was created through the transformation of energy. He developed a space vortex structure that mathematically verifies how energy in space creates the electron and calculated many of its properties, such as charge and mass. An overview of Mr. Tewari’s space vortex theory is present in the article, The Electron Began the Universe and may be accessed via

Mr. Tewari’s astonishing discovery that the electron is the first fundamental particle created in space triggers a conception of how the universe began. The Periodic Table of Atomic Numbers reveals that the electron intimately exists in the formation of every atom and therefore may be key in the creation of inorganic and organic matter. To conceive how the universe began, it may be that that the electron was created millions and trillions of times to eventually form atoms that are the basic building blocks of all matter. What is illuminating is that even the electron has a beginning, which supports the author’s philosophical belief that Everything Has a Beginning – Even Our Universe
Tewari Confirms Nikola Tesla’s Memorable Quote
There is a fundamental nature of space and matter that Mr. Tewari was able to deduce with his space vortex theory. He hypothesized that the space vortex void that makes up the interior of the electron is created from space or aether, which was first described by Nikola Tesla as,
“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena.”

Nikola Tesla Perceived that throughout Space there is Energy.
Tewari’s space vortex theory has confirmed Tesla’s memorable quote,
“Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. This idea is not novel….Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic—and this we know it is, for certain—then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.”
It is this energy that exists in space that is presently being used under top secret programs by the military industrial complex (MIC) to power space craft to the stars. The U.S. government has yet to get the MIC to disclose the greatest technological discoveries of our era, anti-gravity and zero-point energy. By applying free energy capability commercially for moving vehicles, air craft, factories, homes and farms, it will eliminate use of bio fuels, nuclear plants and propulsion, which will resolve the climate change threat. Access to low cost zero-point energy will increase jobs and food production in every country, and raise the quality of life for all beings on earth, whereby they can advance to the next level of moral, intellectual, and spiritual development.
Tesla’s perception of energy in space has been demonstrated with zero-point energy and is supported with Paramahamsa Tewari’s conclusion in his book published in 2009, titled Universal Principles of Space and Matter, A Call for Conceptual Reorientation. Tewari’s conclusion below confirms this author’s belief that Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe.
“the reality is that the dynamic space (energy substratum) is the first cause of creation, stability and subsequent existence of cosmic matter and fields.”
This reality confirms this author’s belief that Everything Has a Beginning Even the Universe. This belief challenges the validity of the Big Bang Theory, which begins with a singularity that populated the universe with matter and energy. With today’s far-reaching view of the universe, we are able to learn that there are billions of galaxies, some 100 times larger than our own Milky Way galaxy, all separated by millions of light-years. The immensity of such matter could not have emanated from one big bang but by the transformation of energy in electromagnetic fields that create matter; particles that exist throughout space to evolve the basic building block of all things – the atom.
The author’s belief that Everything has a Beginning – Even the Universe is not only new but mind-boggling for it challenges religious and scientific thought. Hopefully, our readers will ponder why this belief is faulty or is relevant. Your comments and thoughts serves to help us learn from one another and someday arrive at a universal truth.
A Philosophical View of Consciousness
It may be hypothesized that the electron has a consciousness with a purpose to create atoms that can coalesce into stars and planets. Consciousness may be inherent in organic matter that reaches out to understand its creation – the universe. This hypothetical idea that matter, created by atoms that determine inorganic and organic outcomes that assumes higher levels of consciousness may have some merit because we are proof as thinking products of our universe. An author, poet, great Islamic historian and scholar, Anwar Shaikh, distinguished himself as a philosopher by sharing his thoughts that consciousness has a role in the cosmos. He wrote,
“Since consciousness means cognition or knowing, there must be something worth knowing. Therefore, eyes have a multiple purpose; firstly, to play a definite role in the evolution of consciousness, and secondly, to know the world around us. From this conclusion, it also follows that the world or cosmos has a purpose: it wants to be known; it aspires to be conscious of itself. This seems to be the entire purpose of consciousness. Since man is the cosmic baby, he happens to be the medium for the universal consciousness.” 2

It becomes apparent that the forces within the atom have an intelligence or a consciousness that tries to express itself in many ways through the evolution of organic life forms. It is this consciousness that reaches its height in human beings to think and reach out with hypothetical thoughts to try to understand its own existence. And that is why this author believes that the transformation of energy in particles is a long, evolutionary process whereby it transforms itself into matter with an inherent will to exist as consciousness in higher life forms that will question and examine its nature. Namely, thinking life forms are the crown achievement of consciousness in the universe.
Anwar presented another aspect of consciousness. He wrote,
“If we delve deeper into consciousness, it transpires that it is the apex of evolution. Without it, existence or non-existence of the universe will not matter. A thing may exist but it is the knowledge of its existence which gives it a proper valuation. The universe obviously wants to be recognized, otherwise consciousness will have no meaning because whatever man sees, feels, senses or perceives relates to the universe; man himself is a part of it. Therefore, human consciousness belongs to the universe. More properly, the cosmos evolves man for the sole purpose of seeing, feeling, sensing and perceiving through him. Thus, man ranks as the cosmic baby with a special purpose. What is this purpose of man? 2”
This is a philosophical question that our readers may wish to pursue and this author welcomes their thoughts to help define the purpose of mankind. But let us delve into why the universe does has a beginning like every other entity it encompasses.
Disclose Zero-Point Energy for the Benefit of Mankind
This article surfaces the greatest technological breakthrough in our era. It is Zero-point energy which will allow mankind to venture out into the stars. However, will the American people, national media, and honest politicians demand it be disclosed for use by mankind on earth to improve the quality of life for all people? It is imperative that all technologies employ zero-point energy to achieve low cost energy without the use of bio and nuclear fuels that pollute the earth. The benefits will eliminate poverty and lack of food; wars due to religious and political differences; and sufficient leisure time to grow intellectually and morally. This demand requires the efforts by all people to gain control from the military-industrial complex, a shadow government, which, for seven decades, have secretly controlled the greatest technological discovery for their own greed, power, and control of mankind’s future.
Note 1. Nicholas P. Ginex, Future of God Amen, Chapter 6.1.2, Amen a Revered God,
Note 2. Anwar Shaikh, Book 4, Chapter 12, Mind and Matter, Cosmic Purpose,
Note 3. Paramahamsa Tewari, Structural Relation Between the Vacuum Space and the Electron, l)return u