After the Roswell UFO crash of 1947, President Truman authorized the military to conduct a top-secret operation to investigate the Extraterrestrial beings retrieved. Within one decade, a consortium of U.S. military and large aerospace corporations, referred to as the military-industrial complex, developed with the knowledge of ET beings the use of zero-point energy and antigravity technology.
Today, the U.S. military is able to dominate earth’s outer space with Intergalactic Flying Object (IFO) technology. However, it is also clear that the military has operated as a shadow government unaccountable to every U.S. President by not sharing their IFO and ET discoveries. It is known that the IFO ET technologies developed by the military-industrial complex offers very powerful technological advances that can increase the quality of life for all people on earth. By using zero-point technology, poverty and food shortages can be eliminated and, by no longer needing bio and nuclear fuels the earth will no longer be subject to pollution of our earth and all its life forms.
If the military-industrial complex discloses IFO technology developed over the past 73 years, will the American people, and people around the world, be ready for the dramatic changes that will affect their lives? The economies of every country will be impacted by new production capabilities, which will require an intellectual rebirth of our educational and religious institutions.
Presently, Humans are Not Ready for Intergalactic Travel.
There is an opportunity for humans to travel to intergalactic space and meet Extraterrestrial beings from other worlds. But are humans ready to meet ETs who are thousands and perhaps millions of years ahead intellectually and technologically? When we witness every day, the mass killing of people with different religious beliefs and witness the millions of people who suffer from poverty and lack of food it becomes clear that we, the human race, have not learned to solve problems that can eliminate religious differences, poverty and war.
How can ETs accept human beings that have not learned to live peacefully among themselves? We are a threat to ETs as we still let our arrogance, bigotry, greed for power and wealth, and hatred towards each other dominate. Our educational and religious institutions, around the world, have failed to teach integrity, an attribute that is based upon sincerity and truth. Even our Media have found it easy to lie about events and distort facts because of political differences. Our colleges and universities poison our young minds with tainted political views by reinterpreting historic events. The President of the United States is ridiculed and disrespected with indecent names even though he has rescued our economy by increasing jobs and raised the incomes of blacks and other minorities. Unfortunately, humans do not appear to be ready in two or three decades for intergalactic travel.
What Must be Done for Humans to be Accepted by Extraterrestrials.
First, the President of the U.S. needs to provide Amnesty to all members of the military-industrial complex in order for them to disclose all IFO technology for public use. A commission of scientists, engineers, corporate managers, business entrepreneurs, builders and city planners must study and plan for ways to employ IFO technology in all spheres of job production, such as manufacturing, agriculture, infrastructure and transportation. This planning will take at least five to ten years to design and develop technology that employs zero-point energy. New ways of building homes, growing agricultural products, increasing production of factories, and inventing new ways of land and air travel can become a reality. The benefits will be the utilization of manpower and creation of jobs that will accomplish the building of new cities and modes of transportation.
Develop and Implement Zero-point Energy in All Countries.
The planning to turn our way of life into the era of zero-point energy will need to incorporate its new technological advances in countries around the world. Leaders from every country will understand that by employing IFO technologies their people will be relieved from poverty, jobs will open up, and opportunities for development of their people intellectually and morally can be achieved. However, there are fundamental problems that must be resolved, institutions that shape our lives intellectually, spiritually, and morally must be revised and restructured.
A Religious Rebirth is Needed to Advance Humans for the Intergalactic Age.
Every country is influenced by the parental, religious, and educational upbringing given to their people. Countries become intellectually and morally advanced depending on the quality of religious and educational instruction given to their people. If such instruction lacked emphasis on truth based upon substantiated facts, and does not emphasize respect for people of different ethnic backgrounds, then the nation’s people will fail to attain mental objectivity and minimizes its chances to become an advanced world power. The analogy is similar to the failure of students to make successful, objective decisions and choices if poorly instructed by parental, religious and educational instructors.
Revamp the Root of the Problem that Shapes Integrity.
The root of the problem begins with religious instruction received by parents for they are most intimately involved in raising their children with a foundation of moral rules that builds the attributes of character and integrity. This means that the birth of our religious institutions needs to be evaluated to understand why and how they became a fundamental part of any civilization. Such evaluation begs to be studied because it is clear that it is the clash of different religious beliefs that is responsible for bigotry, hatred, terrorism, and the murder of millions of innocent people worldwide.
All religions have developed because the leaders found that discipline of their people depended upon a sound moral upbringing. Of the many religions, history reveals that the Hebrew, Christian and Islamic religions developed from the religious beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians. It was as early as 2600 BCE that the Egyptian priesthood documented the belief in a creator God called Atum. To illustrate how mankind envisioned one universal God that came to be known as Amen, Figure 1 from the novel, AMEN, the Beginning of the Creation of God is provided.
Figure 1 illustrates that it was the Egyptian priesthood that developed the concept of one God, heaven upon leading a righteous life, and a Son of God, namely the pharaoh. I leave the reader to carefully examine the figure for it reveals Scripture evolved and changed over thousands of years. Finally, it was Jesus Christ in John’s Revelation that Amen was proclaimed as the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. This one-universal God has been emulated in the Judaic, Christian and Islamic religions. Unfortunately, this God is worshipped with different beliefs that has caused division among the believers of God.

Religious beliefs in one God have become so divergent that terrorism and the deaths of millions of people has occurred over thousands of years. In their quest for power and greed, Islamic leaders have corrupted the attributes of truth and morality by using their religion to acquire wealth from other countries. Since the inception of Islam by the prophet Muhammad and his death in 632 CE, Islamic armies conquered many lands to become an Islamic Empire by 750 CE. Muslims conquered the Byzantine and Persian empires, and along the Mediterranean, captured Christian lands as far west as Spain. They conquered all of North Africa, which included Egypt and its east coast down to the island Madagascar. This conquest extended further east to the northern half of India. As with all conquered countries, Muslim leaders not only obtained the wealth of other countries, but they received ransom from their captives to live or kill them for not accepting Allah in accordance with the Qur’an. This conquest has infiltrated into the Western part of Europe and is causing the economies and way of life in many countries to be destroyed. An objective presentation of how Islam became a world power and why Islamic religious leaders use the Qur’an to indoctrinate the minds of their people, is provided as a Free Read on the link,
It informs people around the world of a manmade cancer that may lead to the destruction of many more lives and possibly our earth.
Islamic Religious Leaders Must Revise the Qur’an.
Leaders around the world appear to be ignorant of knowing that Iran’s religious ideology is used to acquire the wealth and resources of other countries. The Qur’an is an ideal Scripture to indoctrinate people as early as several weeks of birth. Indoctrination is so insidious and effective that even the brightest Muslim minds are unable to objectively scrutinize the Qur’an and object to its many abominable verses. Such verses instilled into the minds of followers cause them to become fanatics to kill innocent people in the name of their God Allah.
People on earth will not be welcomed by Extraterrestrials as long as religious Islamic leaders continue to use the Qur’an in their quest to conquer the land of other countries and acquire their wealth. The Qur’an (9:33) clearly states Allah’s objective to have Islam prevail over all other religions. This is a false objective NOT by the Islamic God Allah but arrogant religious leaders who have written many Qur’an verses. It is evident that if the religion of Islam is not revised to advocate the greatest command given by a man of God – love one another, terror and countless more deaths of innocent lives will be inevitable. To avoid the looming possibility of a Third World War due to a clash of religious ideologies, the United States and other progressive countries that are beginning to make zero-point energy a reality must offer Islamic leaders the benefits of employing this new energy to solve their economic problems. This must include the stipulation that their Scripture advocate the great command – love one another.
A whole new view of God needs to be understood for it becomes obvious that God did not create man in His own image but has created life throughout the universe so that someday His creations may discover His greatness.
To extend one’s spiritual beliefs to respect all life throughout the universe requires an overwhelming effort and it will take perhaps more than one or two decades but several generations. But this depends upon the perceptiveness and compassion of religious leaders to understand that it is not their religion that must be preserved, it is the further development of human beings morally, spiritually and intellectually. Which leader of the Democratic, Republican and Liberal Party will be courageous enough to advocate the disclosure and development of zero-point energy to resolve poverty, decrease pollution of our environment, increase our quality of life, and provide for the greatest opportunity to enter the era of interstellar galactic travel?
That leader will be a man or woman of God who places love of humanity above the selfishness and greed of the military industrial complex entrenched in the establishment that desires to maintain the status quo by obtaining power and wealth from oil wells, continued sale of weapons of destruction, and control Americans by distorting history and indoctrinating their minds with fake news. Truly, this leader will be a person destined to do great works as revealed by Jesus Christ in John 14:12:
Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father.
This is a wonderful statement whereby Jesus makes it known that greater works shall be done by those who believe in him because he must go to his Father. That belief is summed up with just three words – love one another. Such love will be demonstrated by a political leader that loves humanity and preserve the beauty of our earth.
Educators Need to Provide History of God and Religion.
As a start to employ a broad understanding of the birth of religious beliefs and why they are essential for the development of mankind a paper published by the Clute Institute should be read. It was noticed by ERIC (Education Resource and Information Center) and placed on the Internet. ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. The paper can be accessed by clicking the following link:
It offers a wealth of historical information on the development of Egypt’s civilization and reveals how Egyptian beliefs were emulated by other groups of people to develop the major religions of today; namely, the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions. The psychological aspect to live peacefully with people of different religious beliefs must be instilled in the minds of human beings as zero-point energy is developed and implemented.
As the paper abstract indicates, there is a need for high school, college, and university educators to introduce their students to a history of mankind’s development of religions and beliefs in God. People need to understand the need and why instruction in morality is essential to the well-being of their nation and its citizens. By providing people with a greater understanding of the nature of man it can: energize political and religious leaders to utilize the solution of zero-point energy, increase love of humanity, and be able to welcome visitors from outer space.
The Challenge for Humans to Join Intergalactic Life.
On January 23, 2009, Dr. Steven Greer wrote on behalf of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, a letter to President Obama. He indicated the need for the military-industrial complex to disclose top-secret IFO technology by writing:
“Because of this misguided secrecy, the wondrous new sciences related to advanced energy generation, propulsion and transportation have been withheld from the people. These advances include the generation of limitless clean energy from the so-called zero-point energy field and quantum vacuum flux field from the space around us, and propulsion that has been termed (incorrectly) anti-gravity. The field of electromagnetic energy that is teeming all around us and which is embedded within the fabric of space/time can easily run all of the energy needs of the Earth – without pollution, oil, gas, coal, centralized utilities or nuclear power.”
Ten years later, the military-industrial complex has not relinquished IFO (UFO) technology nor revealed their interaction with Extraterrestrials. What may be an unforeseen danger is that the creation of a Military Space Force by President Trump will entrench military-industrial complex officials giving them even greater power to act as a shadow government uncontrolled by Congressional and Presidential oversight.
The quandary still exists as to when will our President demand disclosure of IFO technology. The American people are educated enough to accept intelligent beings from other worlds. But will the greedy and powerful status quo of the establishment and military-industrial complex dominate and control the destiny of mankind? This can be stopped quickly if all people write to their political leaders and demand disclosure of IFO technology. It is foolish to tolerate being kept hostage from experiencing a new age of intergalactic experiences. Those of you who want to increase our quality of life, meet Extraterrestrials and welcome an intergalactic era, please write to your political Congressmen and our President. Your effort to write a letter supporting disclosure of IFO technology will make a difference. The link to the White House is provided in the author’s letter below to President Trump.
Thank you,
Nicholas Ginex