Worldwide Communication will EXPOSE the QURAN

Worldwide Communication 

You can help stop Islamic terrorism.  People must EXPOSE the Quran by communicating worldwide why and how.

Worldwide person to-person communication requires the active participation by business leaders, humanitarians, media news outlets, government (Senate and Congress), agencies (such as the CIA and FBI), members of forums and political clubs. Their efforts will EXPOSE Islam’s despicable history and abominable verses in the Qur’an.

Members of forums and political clubs (such as the Middle East Forum, Iran Politics Club, American Islamic Forum for Democracy, the Islamic Board, and the Stand for Peace Islamic Forum of Europe) are requested to actively support worldwide communication efforts. The object is to help Muslims understand the need to revise the Quran.

Reporting of Islamic atrocities by writers and journalists in many countries keeps the public aware of the Islamic threat but that is NOT enough. Their efforts reveal Islamic extremism and its expansion but does NOT eliminate radical Islam.  There is a SOLUTION.

A Solution to Eliminate Islamic Extremism is to EXPOSE the Quran.

Worldwide communication efforts to EXPOSE the Quran are NOT an attempt to incite anger and hate against Muslims or denigrate the religion of Islam. It will enable Muslims to understand the flaws of their religion. Understanding will enable Muslims to pressure religious leaders and Islamic scholars to implement a solution – revise the Quran.

Communication Objectives to REVISE the Quran.

•    Inform Muslims worldwide why the Quran is the source of discontent in many countries and that it is the root cause of Islamic extremism and terrorism.

•    Have Muslims learn of Islam’s despicable history.

•    Open a dialog with Muslims to acknowledge abominable verses in the Quran and advocate God’s greatest command, love one another

Lists of abominable verses in the Quran are provided in Section 3.3 of Allah, We, Our and Us and by Zulfikar Khan in his article, Islamic Hell Torture Chamber for Unbelievers. The links are respectively:

•    Only informed Muslims can initiate an Islamic Reformation. Key to reforming Islam is to revise the Quran with God’s great command (John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17).

WHY People Worldwide Must Communicate.

In 100% of mosques, imams, caliphs and mullahs teach their Muslim followers to believe the Quran is the Religion of Truth and Islam will prevail over all other religions (Quran 9:33, 61:8-10). Most Muslims are illiterate and indoctrinated with Quran beliefs from childhood and earlier. They are unaware that the Quran contains many abominable verses that incites bigotry, hatred, violence, and the murder of non-Muslims. To fully understand how the Muslim mind is indoctrinated, the following link is provided.  It presents, Indoctrination of the Muslim Mind.

It reveals why it is essential to learn of the insidious psychological use of “We, Our and Us” in the Quran. The plural pronouns for Allah creates for Muslims a feeling of unity with the Creator and the compulsion to impose this unity on all people with the altruistic belief that they are promoting the integration of mankind with the Creator.

History Reveals Islam Was Never a Religion of Peace.

People need to communicate worldwide the despicable history of Islam. This religion grew by having Islamic armies capture the lands of many countries and their captives were given two alternatives: convert to Islam and pay a tax or die by the sword. It continues to expand in many countries as Islamic followers are not able to assimilate with people with other beliefs and many, in response, commit acts of terror. The following link offers a cut down version of the factual novel, Allah, We, Our and Us. It was written in two parts to inform people why Islam is a danger to all people around the world and to communicate why the Qur’an must be revised.

In a Gatestone Institute article dated February 7, 2018 titled, Death of Democracy? – Part I, Denis MacEoin wrote, “Rather than stand up to our enemies, both external and internal, are we now so afraid of being called “Islamophobes” that we will sacrifice even our own cultural, political, and religious strengths and aspirations?”

Unafraid, we can communicate openly and respond to the stoning of an Iranian woman on the cover of Allah, We, Our and Us Her agony and pain provokes compassion, justice and truth.

The solution provided by worldwide communication presents an opportunity for all people to help solve the looming threat of Islam by identifying the problem and presenting a viable solution.

Communication is an alternative to avert WWIII.   A silent response signifies fear, unable to confront the enemy that kills millions of people in the name of an Islamic God.  It is time to ‘Wake Up’ or continue to permit Islam to expand and eventually dominate the values, culture, and laws of every country.

Silence is Tantamount to Permitting an Islamic Cancer to Grow.

It is appropriate to end this appeal for all people to communicate in EXPOSING the Quran with a song that poignantly reveals the TRUTH about Islamic terrorism.

The above link was removed by Politically Correct Internet media.

Education is key for Muslims to succeed by revising the Quran. It can be achieved through WORLDWIDE COMMUNICATION between Muslims and non-Muslims.

Education will benefit people to understand the threat of Islam and give Muslims the motivation to revise the Quran.  Those of you who are willing to EXPOSE the Quran, you will be assisting Muslims to help themselves.  

The worldwide communication solution does not require dropping bombs on Muslims in occupied territories.  Rather, it can be achieved by dropping copies of Allah, We, Our and Us into Muslim and non-Muslim territories so that they become knowledgeable of the Islamic threat and a viable solution.

Royalties for Allah, We, Our and Us will be used for the Expose Quran communication efforts .   It is provided as a FREE READ via:

Worldwide communication will enable Muslims to mobilize a revolutionary movement. President el Sisi of Egypt has already indicated need for such a movement.

An Islamic Revolution by an Egyptian President

On January 1, 2015, the Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi spoke to Islamic scholars from Al-Azhar, the highest center of Sunni Muslim learning.  His message was for Muslim leaders to rethink religious discourse and “purge it of flaws” that negatively affect Islam.  This outstanding president is not only a pious Muslim but a perceptive intellectual leader.  Parts of his impassioned speech are provided below:

“I say and repeat, again, that we are in need of a religious revolution. You imams are responsible before Allah. The entire world is waiting on you. The entire world is waiting for your word … because the Islamic world is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost. And it is being lost by our own hands,”

“We need a revolution of the self, a revolution of consciousness and ethics to rebuild the Egyptian person — a person that our country will need in the near future,”

“It’s inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire Islamic world to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible that this thinking — and I am not saying the religion — I am saying this thinking,” He continued: “This is antagonizing the entire world. It’s antagonizing the entire world! Does this mean that 1.6 billion people (Muslims) should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants — that is 7 billion — so that they themselves may live? Impossible!​”

President el-Sisi alluded to, but did not specifically identify the “source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world.” Indirectly, he said, “this thinking” that Muslims hold as most sacred “is antagonizing the entire world.” That sacred source, indoctrinated into the Muslim thinking mind, is the Qur’an. It is quite plausible that religious leaders and scholars listening to President el-Sisi knew he was referring to the Qur’an as the sacred source.

An Islamic Revolution can be initiated by enlightened  Muslims that understand the need to revise the Quran and advocate God’s greatest command –

Love one another.

As an author, let me introduce myself by providing the websites below:

Published books and articles: Ginex Index


All People Expose Abominable Verses In the Qur’an

Nicholas Ginex, a perceptive writer of our time raises a question for all Muslims to think and act on. It affects the identity of proud Muslims with a religion they highly regard – Islam. Importantly, it presents an opportunity for Muslims to improve their religion, which presently stifles free speech and the ability to love human beings from any race or ethnic origin with other religious beliefs.

Many journalists have reported on the increasing spread of Islam in European countries. The countries of Spain, France, England, Germany and many more are finding that their culture, laws, and way of life are being overtaken by the values of Islam. Reporting is good but understanding the Islamic problem can help to resolve it.

The Problem

Many people around the world do not UNDERSTAND why Islam spreads like a cancer. They need to COMMUNICATE and EDUCATE each other to UNDERSTAND that it is the Qur’an that incites discontent and terror.

The Solution

The SOLUTION is for Muslims and non-Muslims to learn what is in the Qur’an in order to EXPOSE its abominable verses. They must COMMUNICATE that such verses must be DELETED. To NOT do so, Islamic terrorism will always exist until Islam dominates the world. To accomplished such a challenge, an Islamic Reformation is NEEDED with an objective to DELETE ABOMINABLE VERSES in the QUR’AN.

To pressure Muslim religious leaders to revise the Qur’an, all people and Americans in the United States, with the avid support of their government, news media, and government agencies such as the CIA and FBI, must use the Internet extensively to EXPOSE the abominable verses in the Qur’an. 

Education is key to change a flawed ideology that kills innocent people in the name of God. By flooding the Internet with information that exposes the hatred, bigotry, and violence contained in the Qur’an, the flawed ideology of Islam can be revised.

M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D., Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) is committed to an objective to counter the extremist Islamic ideology that fuels radical Islamists. He is involved with the Muslim Liberty Project (MLP) and the American Islamic Leadership Coalition (AILC) to achieve this objective.

With a coalition of AIFD, MLP, and AILC members, Dr. Jasser is in a position to mobilize Muslims to support his objective to advocate liberty to expose, discuss, and challenge verses in the Qur’an. This objective will present a new moral perspective and instill courage that will allow Muslims to grow intellectually and spiritually.

As an author that has read several books by Egyptologists and exceptional writers on religion, the Torah, Gospels, and the Qur’an line-by-line, an in-depth overview of the birth of the Judaic, Christian and Islamic religions has been acquired.  Viewers of this article and members of the AIFD, MLP, AILC, government officials, news and social reporters may assess the depth of the knowledge aquired by visiting:

This link presents the paper titled, “Provide History of Religion and God.” The Education Resource and Information Center (ERIC) placed it on the Internet. ERIC maintains a library of knowledge that is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.

The Question

Research by this author has developed an insight why the Islamic religion is a threat to countries around the world. He reveals the obvious fact that all Islamic leaders, scholars and followers are indoctrinated with the Qur’an. They are groomed to regard this scripture as highly sacred whereby Islamic extremists will kill those who desecrate it or profane the integrity of their prophet Muhammad.

Islamic indoctrination is so ingrained that Muslims are unable to freely discuss and challenge the flaws of many verses in the Qur’an; to do so, they will be accused of being apostates and be put to death. From a national and personal perspective, they may feel they are destroying their identity as a religious people that believe they have the true religion and that Islam will prevail over all other religions, Qur’an 9:33.

The articles listed below serve to help Muslims understand how they are indoctrinated to be compliant followers of a flawed ideology. They are provided to inform and educate Muslims and non-Muslims to learn why Islam will always be a threat to any civilized country.

To devise a SOLUTION, Muslims and non-Muslims must EXPOSE the abominable verses in the Qur’an that incite bigotry, hatred, violence and the killing of people who do not follow Islam. Will they understand the Islamic problem and be proactive to insure abominable verses in the Qur’an are revised or deleted?

For further reading of the Islamic problem, refer to the articles below.   As a believer in the loving spirit of mankind, the day will come when all people will demand that the abominable verses in the Qur’an must be revised or deleted.

Dear readers please share the above links to inform people world-wide so that through education and communication the Qur’an can be revised. To NOT meet this noble challenge, there will be continued terrorism and violence for Muslims will continue to be indoctrinated with bigotry, hate and violence.

Will Muslims unite to respect the laws and values of other cultures whereby non-Muslims can reciprocate with love?   To accomplish this goal my dear people, the Qur’an must be revised to eliminate abominable verses and include the greatest command given by a man of God – love one another.

Read the Qur’an

For a reliable translation, read the book written by a devout and highly respected Muslim, Muhammad Zafrulla Khan. Titled The Qur’an, it was published by Olive Branch Press in 1893.   He was foreign minister of Pakistan in 1947 and became president of the 17th Session of the UN General Assembly.  Later, he served as judge of the International Court of Justice at the Hague, of which court he became president.  Since this publication, other translations have been altered to be politically correct.

Readers may discuss the Islamic problem with the author by email via

A Press Release may be viewed via:




Google Censored Sounds of Silence

This article was placed on the Internet as a Press Release via the link:

Google censored Islamic atrocities in an article to keep Americans ignorant of discontent and terror committed by extremist Muslims around the globe.

Nicholas Ginex, a perceptive writer, philosopher and humanist informs Americans that Google has censored the Simon and Garfunkel song, Sounds of Silence provided in the press release, Need for an Islamic Reformation. It was placed on the Internet via the link below:

Google provided the following rationale to censor Sounds of Silence:

***This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy on violent or graphic content.***

This action by Google violates the First Amendment of free speech by silencing the public outcry against abominations and terror committed by Islamic terrorists. Removal of the YouTube video was an attempt by Google to suppress the truth of Islamic atrocities, which keeps Americans ignorant of the truth of Islamic bigotry, hatred, and violence illustrated in the figure provided.

YouTube is an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California. Google bought YouTube in November of 2006 for $1.65 billion dollars and it is one of its subsidiaries.

All Americans, be advised that Google has an objective to monitor and suppress articles that reports negatively on Islamic ideology or abominable actions. The content in Sounds of Silence reveals the atrocities committed by Islamic terrorists. It was posted to inform and educate people that Islam is not a religion of peace. Google appears to object to revealing the bigotry, hatred, violence and killing of innocent people by Muslims indoctrinated with extremist beliefs contained in the Qur’an.

As the author of Allah, We, Our and Us, I am committed to inform Americans, and Muslims, why the Qur’an is the source of discontent and terror in many countries. It is essential that through communication they learn why the Qur’an incites bigotry, hatred, violence and the killing of innocent people.

Fortunately, after several Internet searches, the following videos of Sounds of Silence were found that shows the atrocities by Islamic extremists.  They are:

Below are videos that illustrate the injustices and horrors of Islam with the song, Imagine.. there’s no Islam

Communication is Key to Inform People World-Wide

All wealthy business people, financially endowed humanitarians, the national media, and counter-terrorism agencies such as the FBI and CIA in America and media in many other countries must join their resources together to educate and inform people WHY Islam is a danger to peace-loving people and WHY the Qur’an must be revised.

Key for successful implementation of these objectives is to UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM. A recommended resource is Allah, We, Our and Us. This book presents Why the Qur’an must be revised and understand why it is necessary. The historical novel, Allah, We, Our and Us provides a history of the rise of Islam as a Theocratic Empire, reveals many abominable verses in the Qur’an, describes how Muslims are indoctrinated from early childhood, and provides solutions for Muslims to love people with other religious beliefs. This book was not written for profit but to inform and educate people about the Islamic threat. It is available as a FREE READ.

Revise the Qur’an or Begin WWIII

All people must assist Muslims to acknowledge that the Qur’an must be revised to eliminate many abominable verses and emphasize the command to love one another.

Islamic leaders and scholars must take the next step in advancing Muslims to a higher level of spirituality that promotes love of all people, which is to revise the Qur’an. To NOT take on this noble effort is to cause continued Islamic terrorism and eventually World War III. This effort, although considered impractical, is the best way to have over 1.7 billion Muslims learn to love their fellow brothers and sisters and prevent a nuclear catastrophe that would kill millions of people and pollute the earth.

Islamic Representatives of God Must Revise the Qur’an

Islamic scholars are well schooled to know that the Qur’an was conceived through Muhammad’s exposure to Hebrew and Christian beliefs. Many verses in the Qur’an were conceived by Muhammad to raise his people to the next level of spiritual worship. Astute Islamic scholars know that beliefs of each religion were founded by righteous men, inspired by their belief in God, to provide a moral code for their people. Will imams, caliphs and mullahs work with their Islamic scholars to realize that the Qur’an can be changed? That beliefs are not encased in concrete? Can they understand the need to revise the Qur’an to raise Muslims to a higher level of love for all mankind?

If Islamic Representatives of God Fail to Revise the Qur’an

Failure of imams, caliphs and mullahs to revise the Qur’an will verify that they lack the perception, compassion and understanding to raise their Muslim followers to a higher level of spirituality that will enable them to love all people regardless of their religious beliefs. If Islamic religious leaders fail to revise the Qur’an, Muslims world-wide must unite to forcefully overthrow them from power and initiate an Islamic Revolution. On January 1, 2015, the Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi spoke to Islamic scholars from Al-Azhar, the highest center of Sunni Muslim learning.  His message was for Muslim leaders to rethink religious discourse and “purge it of flaws” that negatively affect Muslims to become terrorists.

Read the article, Need for an Islamic Reformation posted on

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Muslims Must Expose Abominable Verses in the Qur’an

Muslims need to learn there are abominable verses in the Qur’an that are the source of discontent and Islamic terrorism.

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, August 22, 2017 / — Nicholas Ginex tells Muslims and non-Muslims to communicate with one another to expose the abominations in the Qur’an. By exposing abominable verses Islamic religious leaders will be pressured to revise the Qur’an.

Through communication Muslims will learn that they have been indoctrinated to believe a theology that causes them to become bigots, hate people who have other religious beliefs, and kill themselves and people in suicide and extremist attacks.  They will no longer tolerate imams, caliphs and mullahs to make fools of them by killing their own children for loving other people or having other religious beliefs.

Wealthy business leaders, humanitarians, news media, government counterterrorism agencies, and people around the world must COMMUNICATE why the >>Qur’an must be revised.<<

To achieve an effective communication campaign, they can purchase Allah, We, Our and Us for distribution to educational institutions, government agencies, and humanity organizations around the world.  It provides how Islam became a Theocratic Empire in just 29 years from Muhammad’s death and why abominable verses in the Qur’an cause Islam to be a danger to all civilizations.  It is available as a Free Read.

A core belief that restricts Muslim acceptance of religious beliefs of other cultures is the incessant indoctrination that “Islam is the Religion of Truth and Allah declares it over all religions. (Qur’an 9:33 translation by Dr. Syed Vickar Ahamed, 2006).  This ideology forms the psyche of the Muslim mind that their religion shall “prevail over every other religion (Qur’an 9:33 translation by Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, 1970).

Two decades after Muhammad’s death, a religious party of men incorporated into the Qur’an the authority to invite goodness, enjoin equity, and forbid evil.  The five verses below conclusively reveal the TRUTH that they wrote many verses in the Qur’an to indoctrinate Muslims.

>>Qur’an Suras Reveal the Truth <<

Sura 3:105. Let there be from among you a party whose business it should be to invite goodness, to enjoin equity and to forbid evil. It is they who shall prosper.

Was this written by a party of men or Allah?  It could not be Allah because they even authorized themselves to abrogate or cause to be forgotten previous commandments of Allah in the verse below.

Sura 2:106-108.  Whatever previous commandment We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We reveal in this Qur’an one better or the like thereof: Knowest thou not that Allah has full power to do all that He wills? (1970 translation by Zafrulla Khan)

Another verse written by a party of men is revealed in Sura 96.

Sura 96: Tell me, if he who prays follows the guidance and enjoins righteousness, and he who obstructs rejects the truth and turns his back on it, what will be the end of this last one? We will surely drag him by the forelock, the forelock of a lying, sinful one.  Then let him call his associates, we too will call our guardians of hell.

Surely, it cannot be Allah who drags a sinner by the forelock but men under orders given by a party of men.  The next sura verifies Allah cannot be “We, Our or Us” because it would mean Allah kills people at night or while they sleep at noon.

Sura 7:5-7. Little is it that you heed. How many a town have We destroyed! Our punishment came upon their dwellers by night or while they slept at noon. When Our punishment came upon them all they could utter was: We are indeed wrongdoers.

Killing dwellers and destroying their towns could not be by the Most Gracious, Ever Merciful Allah.  Sura 8:16-19 verifies many verses were written by a religious leader or powerful commander.

Sura 8:16-19. O ye who believe, when you encounter an hostile force of the disbelievers, turn not your backs on them. Whoso turns his back on them on such an occasion, unless maneuvering for battle or turning to join another company, shall draw upon himself the wrath of Allah and hell shall be his abode. An evil resort it is.

Thus, on the day of Badr it was not you who slew them, but it was Allah who killed them; and it was not thou who didst throw gravel at their faces, but it was Allah Who threw it, that He might confer a great favour upon the believers. Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. That is so; and Allah will surely undermine the design of the disbelievers.

The above sura was written by a commander as one reads of the strategy not to turn and run when encountering a hostile force unless it is necessary to maneuver for battle by turning and joining another company.  But notice, in the second paragraph the commander uses his leadership to strengthen the resolve of his troops by stating, “it was not you who slew them, but it was Allah who killed them.” He even has his men believe that “it was not thou who didst throw gravel at their faces, but it was Allah Who threw it.”

Clearly, these are not the words of Allah but a commander or a powerful religious leader. The commander’s technique of using Allah as sanctioning atrocities has been a successful form of brainwashing or leadership to convince his fighters that the killings are not through their own volition but by Allah who supports and directs their actions.  This is why Muslim terrorists yell >>Allah Akbar<< in the performance of violence and killing nonbelievers.

The above suras conclusively prove that many of the suras were written by despotic men whose ambition is to conquer the lands and wealth of nonbelievers to establish world-wide the religion of Islam.

Conclusion:  Muslims and people world-wide must EXPOSE the Qur’an as the source of discontent and Islamic terror committed by Muslims.  This press release reveals the Quran was written by a party of men and therefore CANNOT be the Perfect Word of Allah.  Only through >>communication of the TRUTH<< can Muslims be courageous to initiate an Islamic Reformation with the objective to Revise the Qur’an.

Expose Abominable Verses in the Qur’an

To inform people why abominable verses in the Qur’an are the source of discontent and Islamic terrorism around the world, this post precedes the Press Release link below.

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, August 15, 2017 / — A perceptive writer on religion and philosophy, Nicholas Ginex informs people why it is the Qur’an that incites Muslims to commit bigotry, hatred, violence and the killing of innocent people who have personal or religious beliefs other than Islam.

The Qur’an is used by religious leaders to indoctrinate their followers to reject the beliefs, laws and culture of people from other countries.  But what verses in the Qur’an are so effective that Muslims are not able to assimilate the values, laws and culture of other countries?

A core belief that restricts Muslim acceptance of religious beliefs of other cultures is the incessant indoctrination that Islam is “the Religion of Truth, and that Allah may make it prevail over every other religion” (Qur’an 9:33 translation by Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, 1970).

This ideology promotes a sense of superiority.  A superiority similar to the German indoctrination that they were a master race, which lead to WWII and the mass murder of millions of Jews. The ideology that “Islam is the Religion of Truth and Allah declares it over all religions” forms the psyche of the Muslim mind (Qur’an 9:33 translation by Dr. Syed Vickar Ahamed, 2006).

It is a responsibility of people everywhere to EXPOSE the verses in the Qur’an.  It is a manual that incites Muslims to become bigots, hate, violently condemn, and kill people with other religious beliefs.

Many abominable verses are presented as a FREE Read in the historical novel, Allah, We, Our and Us.  Below are five verses that conclusively reveal the Qur’an is a manual used to indoctrinate Muslims.

Two decades after Muhammad’s death, a religious party of men compiled his revelations to form the Qur’an. They incorporated into the Qur’an the authority to invite goodness, enjoin equity, and forbid evil.

Sura 3:105. Let there be from among you a party whose business it should be to invite goodness, to enjoin equity and to forbid evil. It is they who shall prosper.

Was this written by a party of men or Allah?  It could not be Allah because they even authorized themselves to abrogate or cause to be forgotten previous commandments of Allah in the verse below.

Sura 2:106-108.  Whatever previous commandment We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We reveal in this Qur’an one better or the like thereof: Knowest thou not that Allah has full power to do all that He wills? (1970 translation by Zafrulla Khan)

Another verse written by a party of men is revealed in Sura 96.

Sura 96: Tell me, if he who prays follows the guidance and enjoins righteousness, and he who obstructs rejects the truth and turns his back on it, what will be the end of this last one? We will surely drag him by the forelock, the forelock of a lying, sinful one.  Then let him call his associates, we too will call our guardians of hell.

Surely, it cannot be Allah who drags a sinner by the forelock but men under orders given by a party of men.  The next sura verifies Allah cannot be “We, Our or Us” because it would mean Allah kills people at night or while they sleep at noon.

Sura 7:5-7. Little is it that you heed. How many a town have We destroyed! Our punishment came upon their dwellers by night or while they slept at noon. When Our punishment came upon them all they could utter was: We are indeed wrongdoers.

Killing dwellers and destroying their towns could not be by the Most Gracious, Ever Merciful Allah.  Sura 8:16-19 verifies many verses were written by a religious leader or powerful commander.

Sura 8:16-19. O ye who believe, when you encounter an hostile force of the disbelievers, turn not your backs on them. Whoso turns his back on them on such an occasion, unless maneuvering for battle or turning to join another company, shall draw upon himself the wrath of Allah and hell shall be his abode. An evil resort it is.

Thus on the day of Badr it was not you who slew them, but it was Allah who killed them; and it was not thou who didst throw gravel at their faces, but it was Allah Who threw it, that He might confer a great favour upon the believers. Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. That is so; and Allah will surely undermine the design of the disbelievers.

The above sura was written by a commander as one reads of the strategy not to turn and run when encountering a hostile force unless it is necessary to maneuver for battle by turning and joining another company.  But notice, in the second paragraph the commander uses his leadership to strengthen the resolve of his troops by stating, “it was not you who slew them, but it was Allah who killed them.”  He even has his men believe that it was not thou who didst throw gravel at their faces, but it was Allah Who threw it.”

Clearly, these are not the words of Allah but a commander or a powerful religious leader. The commander’s technique of using Allah as sanctioning atrocities has been a successful form of brainwashing or leadership to convince his fighters that the killings are not through their own volition but by Allah who supports and directs their actions.  This is why Muslim terrorists yell “Allah Akbar” in the performance of violence and killing nonbelievers.

The above suras conclusively prove that many of the suras were written by despotic men whose ambition is to conquer the lands and wealth of nonbelievers to establish world-wide the religion of Islam.

Conclusion:  People around the world must EXPOSE the Qur’an as the source of discontent and Islamic terror committed by Muslims.  This press release reveals that many verses in the Quran were written by a party of men and therefore CAN NOT be the Perfect Word of Allah.  Only through communication of the TRUTH can Muslims be courageous to initiate an Islamic Reformation with the objective to Revise the Qur’an.