A WAY to END Islamic Terrorism

Many people have a fear of Muslims due to mass killings by terrorist extremists in America, France, England, and Germany, to name a few countries whose culture and way of life are being threatened.  Muslims are human beings that have the same feelings, wants, and desires that other people have but there is a difference.  It is their value system and sense of morality that is different.  It is driven by an ideology set in the Qur’an and implemented by Sharia law.  The impact that these Islamic documents have on the Muslim people requires a brief history of Islam’s history, which is presented in the novel Allah, We, Our and Us.  It reveals that from the very beginning of its inception, Islam instilled an ideology that causes the Muslim mind to believe that Islam is the “Religion of Truth” and that Allah will “make it prevail over every other religion” (Qur’an 9:33).

Muhammad’s revelations were complied by his Companions to assemble the Qur’an.  It was used to unite the many Arab tribes with a unified belief in One God, Allah. But religious leaders forced this belief by conquering many people in other countries.  History verifies that they established a Theocratic Empire by 750 CE by taking the land and wealth of conquered countries.  Indoctrinated with the belief that Islam is the religion of truth and shall prevail over every other religion (Qur’an 9:33), Islamic armies forced people of conquered countries to submit to Islam with just three alternatives, complete allegiance to Allah, pay a tax to survive with your own beliefs, or die by the sword.

The belief that Islam will prevail over every other religion promotes a sense of superiority over worshippers of other religions.  A superiority that is similar to the German indoctrination that they were a master race, which ignited WWII and the mass murder of millions of Jews.  What insidiously transforms Muslim minds is that this belief associates them with Allah.    The novel, Allah, We, Our and Us reveals that throughout the Qur’an Allah is referred to as “We, Our and Us.”   It causes Muslims to subconsciously associate themselves with Allah, which creates a feeling of unity with the Creator and the compulsion to impose this unity on all people with the altruistic belief that they are promoting the integration of mankind with the Creator.

This compulsive belief is indoctrinated into many Muslims whereby they want to impose their religion on all people in the name of Allah.  The outcome of this ideology has caused the deaths of over 3,411 American civilians, firemen and law officers due to Muslim extremists that flew planes into the New York twin towers and Pentagon on September 11, 2001.  As revealed by Islam’s past history, it is this Islamic ideology, embedded in the Qur’an, that has caused the destruction of many towns and cities of many countries.

An Overview of Islam’s History

Contrary to the pronouncement by President Obama that Islam is a religion of peace, history reveals this is a lie promulgated on the American people.  After the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632 CE, Islamic armies conquered many lands to become an Islamic Empire by 750 CE.  Muslims conquered the Byzantine and Persian empires, and along the Mediterranean, across Christian lands and as far west as Spain, they conquered all of North Africa, which included its east coast down to the island Madagascar.  This conquest extended further east to the northern half of India.  Islamic conquests were never through peaceful means; conquered people were forced to convert to Islam, pay a tax to survive with their own beliefs, or die by the sword.

Figure 1 illustrates the expansion of the Islamic Empire throughout the Eastern world by 750 CE, a period of only 118 years after Muhammad’s death.  In today’s world, President Obama’s lie becomes sadly relevant as the ideology of Islam has grown like a cancer and has become a threat to all freedom loving countries.

The Islamic Empire from 632-759 CE

Figure 1.  The Theocratic Islamic Empire by 750 CE.

Islamic Terrorism in the Modern World

Americans and people around the world are starting to wake up that the ideology of Islam produces Islamic extremists with an objective to dominate the world.  On October 31, 2015, Russia felt the arm of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) reach out by downing a Russian plane with a bomb over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula killing 224 people.  A series of ISIS planned terror attacks in Paris France on November 13, 2015 caused the brutal murder of 141 people and wounding 352.  A day after the Paris attack, France declared war against ISIS and launched its biggest bombing raid in Syria.

On December 2, 2015, a terrorist attack by two Islamic Muslims killed 14 and injured 21 people in San Bernardino California. This stunned the American people even though it was not as lethal as the 9/11/2001 terror attack, which caused the deaths of more than 3,400 Americans.  These terror attacks make it very clear that it is the ideology presented in the Qur’an, implemented with Sharia law, that has transformed the minds of Muslims to exhibit bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people.  Due to their ideology, wherever Muslims migrate, such as England, France, Germany and Belgium, they are unable to assimilate the values, civic laws, and culture of another country.

Figure 2 illustrates the ideology of the Islamic religion is to prevail over every other religion and eventually dominate the world.  This ideology leads Muslims to reject the norms, values, laws, culture, and morality of another country.  The Qur’an incorporates an ideology that runs counter to the American Constitution and the freedoms of many democratic countries.

More Islamic Torerance

Figure 2.  Islamic ideology seeks to establish religious dominance.

To examine many of the passages that cause many Muslims to become bigoted, hateful of those that follow another religion, resort to violence when the Qur’an or prophet is slandered, and murder people who have religious beliefs refer to the novel Allah, We, Our and Us.  It is presented as a FREE read on the Iran Politics Club website.  It is the passages in the Qur’an that infect unsuspecting minds to be totally committed to their god Allah.

Abominable Beliefs in the Qur’an

To assist the reader to understand the ideology of Islam, a highly respected translation of the Qur’an has been provided by the Honorable Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, published in Great Britain by Curson Press Ltd in 1970.  Those of you who desire to read the sura verses in full should obtain a copy of the Honorable Zafrulla Khan translation.  It would serve as a superb reference of the Qur’an because it is one of the earliest translations that has not been altered to be politically correct.

To fully comprehend many suras (verses) that highlight bigotry, hatred, violence, murder of innocent people, and clearly indicate the Qur’an was assembled by Muslim men who wrote many of its verses, the book Obama, Islam and Benghazi is recommended.  It provides a history why Islam is the source of discontent in many countries; reveals the ideology of the Qur’an that incites bigotry, hatred, violence and murder of innocent people; describes how Muslims are indoctrinated with the belief that “We, Our and Us” is Allah; presents details of the Benghazi attack in Libya, and contains thirty-seven questions that should be addressed by the Select Committee on Benghazi.   This book may be accessed as a FREE read by going the Iranian Politics Club website:



Islam is not a religion of peace.  No other religion but Islam advocates in the Qur’an that Islam will prevail over all other religions.

Islamic religious leaders MUST revise the Qur’an to eliminate its abominable ideology.   If the Qur’an is NOT revised, Americans should shut down mosques and exclude Islam as a religion in the United States.

This Islamic ideology threatens all religions in the United States and around the world.

The U.S. must prohibit any Muslims to enter the United States if they insist on following the Qur’an and Sharia law.

It would be foolish to endanger the safety and lives of Americans with an influx of Muslim immigrants when the United States is threatened by an Islamic ideology that is incompatible with its own constitutional laws and undermines the existence of other religions.

There is a Solution for Islam to be Accepted by All Countries.

Let it be known:

>> To revise the Qur’an is No Easy Solution. But only by revising this holy book can change occur.

>> Islamic religious leaders MUST revise their Holy Qur’an. 

>>The only peaceful solution is to revise the Qur’an with God’s greatest commandLove one another.

>> If Muslim leaders are unable to revise the Qur’an, then Muslims must replace them with compassionate, perceptive leaders to revise the Qur’an.

To ignore this solution, World War III is inevitable.  If abominable behavior cannot be changed with love, then the elimination of Islam is the only alternative.

To STOP Islamic expansion the Qur’an needs to be exposed world- wide so that Muslims understand that the Qur’an Must be Revised.

3 Step Process to Expose the Qur’an

1.  Reveal the Abominable Verses in the Quran

Initiate and spread a powerful advertising campaign with the resources of wealthy business leaders, financially endowed humanitarians, government agencies such as the FBI and CIA, and of course, the National Media in America. Many countries must join in such a communication campaign. Their objective is to inform people WHY Islam is a danger to peace-loving people and EXPOSE the Qur’an abominations.

The link below provides conclusive reasons why the Qur’an must be revised.


2.  Initiate an Islamic Reformation

By exposing the many abominations of the Quran, people and Muslims around the world will become cognizant of the need to rise up against the established imams, mullahs, and caliphs with the objective to revise the Quran. Exposure of the abominable verses will reveal that the Quran is NOT perfect and that a Party of Men use the Quran to control and subjugate Muslim followers. They will learn that Islam has grown into a world religion not by acceptance of other people but by force taking their lands, wealth, and killing innocent lives. To avoid death by the sword, families were given the option to pay a tax to stay alive for not converting to Islam.

Why an Islamic Reformation is needed is provided in the link below.


3.  Revise the Quran to Advocate Love One Another

Opposing reasons to revising the Qur’an are: Muslims are too ignorant to read the Quran; both moderate and extremist Muslims follow the Quran line-by-line; the Quran is forbidden to be revised; most educated Muslims have not totally read the Quran in depth to understand its true nature; indoctrination of many Muslims occurred at such a young age that education of other world and philosophic views cannot change their minds.

Religious leaders have developed rules to have people live in harmony with one another. However, people should realize that religious beliefs are not cast in concrete never to change. As people become more knowledgeable about themselves and the universe they must also update beliefs and rules that were useful ages ago.

The Egyptian Priesthood of Amon revised their religious beliefs many times. They advanced their beliefs from the worship of many gods to one-universal God.   Modern man should be able to resolve the religious quagmire created by Islamic religious leaders who insist that the Qur’an is Perfect.

Religious scholars and many Islamic apostates have lost their lives because they could not overcome the ignorance that it is forbidden to change the Qur’an. This ignorance has created a serious world problem due to a lack of Islamic history and knowing the TRUTH about the many abominations in the Qur’an. Is education the solution as proposed in the paper,

Provide History of Religion and God?



The author welcomes your comments and will respond to any concerns and questions.  Debate and discussion is the best way to air differences and arrive at sensible and logical conclusions.

A press release for this article may be read on the following link:


Needed Changes to the Holy Scriptures

INTRO:  Take your time reading the following article.  Please comment if you agree or not with the recommendation that Scriptures need to be revised.  The minds of religious leaders are constrained within the cage of worn out dogma, which restricts their ability to revise their Scriptures.  However, if the Priesthoods of Ancient Egypt were astute enough to revise their beliefs from many gods to one universal God many times, there is hope our religious leaders realize improvements are needed in our world today.   Many men and women gifted with perceptive, intelligent minds, and loving hearts will surely assist their efforts.

Needed Changes to the Holy Scriptures

The god many believe in today has been revealed through man’s spirit, imagination, and love for the god he created in his own image. The philosophical questions of who created the universe, the first atom, and the enormous amount of matter, galaxies, and stars lead one’s mind to ponder the wonder of it all. The world has become much larger than it was to the minds of men four thousand years ago. Today, many realize that there may be other intelligent life in the billions of galaxies in the universe. This leads one not only to revere life on this planet but also to eventually love and respect alien life that may come to visit us in the future. Our future depends, first, on how much sisters and brothers, throughout our world, love one another.

The evolution of our monotheistic God took thousands of years and, in the process, underwent many changes. This should come as no surprise, for each generation has developed concepts that were embraced and improved upon. This has been true in the scientific and technical spheres, whereby scientists have developed ways to communicate at the speed of light. Change also occurs within religions.  In the past, Egyptian priests revised and updated their beliefs to keep pace with the advances in their culture and intellect of their people. Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religious must embrace change to improve the relationships between people of different lands.

Many passages in scriptures are out of date and many that once served to unite a unique people are no longer applicable. One need only to turn to the Torah to see outdated passages dealing with ancient animal sacrifices, specific details for the garments of the priest, and detailed measurements on how to build a place of worship, an altar, and its accessories (refer to Exodus 23, 25-31).  The book Allah, We, Our and Us, is replete with abominable passages that incite hatred, bigotry, violence, and the killing of innocent people not willing to worship the Islamic God Allah.

Change is essential if religious institutions are to keep pace with worshippers as they acquire more education and the ability to examine their religious beliefs and seek meaning in their lives. If religious leaders continue to cling to worn, outdated passages of their holy scriptures, they will only become an embarrassment to discerning and intelligent people. By not acknowledging the need for change, they will find their religious myths ridiculed and their institutions laughed at because much of their dogma no longer provide moral and spiritual guidance.

Can our religious institutions, be they of Jewish, Christian, or Islamic origins, afford an outcome that is a disbelief in God? This outcome is sure to develop in the future as they continue to believe they have the only true religion and true God. There are many brilliant minds that would gladly assist in the reformation of their religious institutions and holy scriptures. But will those entrusted with the responsibility of religious leadership be courageous and perceptive enough to accept assistance and improve their doctrines? Or are they so indoctrinated that they cannot search their hearts and minds to find the truths and words of love that can truly guide their worshippers?

As a man who has learned to love all people, the sisters and brothers of this world, there is hope for change. Human beings are born with the gift to love; it is the one gift that ensures their survival. The recommendations presented in Allah, We, Our and Us for religious leaders and worshippers from all nations. They are provided as a starting point for many more necessary changes. Surely, there are men and women who have the talent and gifts to implement the recommendations offered and commend many more to improve the morality and spiritual nature of mankind.

In the final chapter of Allah, We, Our and Us, this author appeals to the followers and leaders of the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions to work together to unify their beliefs in God.  This novel informs people all over the world that so far, unintentionally and by forceful aggression, these very religions have caused bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people. To assist in ameliorating this path of destruction, it reveals the abominations of these three religions. However, it is not the author’s intent to cast blame on any one religion but to wake up the religious leaders to understand that the very existence of human life and our planet is headed for a disastrous outcome unless they work together to unify their beliefs and teach the Word of God.

In Future of God Amen, the last thought was a question. Who will dedicate their lives to becoming the daughters and sons of God? A proactive solution is to not wait for several outstanding individuals with loving hearts and perceptive minds; it will be us, the millions of people around the world, who must stand up to the religious leaders and demand they all teach the Word of God—love one another. Nothing will happen by continuing to rely on the bureaucracy and entrenched institutions that follow worn-out dogma. Their Holy Scriptures must be revised. We are all children of God, and we are responsible to guide our own destiny for a belief system that is capable of change. Change is possible by being involved to improve the character and integrity of all people, which can be accomplished with a unified belief in God that is truly guided by the Word of God.






Allah is Represented by a Party of Men


This article ignores the veil of political correctness and challenges the fear of reprisal from those who are not willing to engage in one of the most important freedoms we have — free speech. Without the freedom to discuss openly political or religious subjects, we eliminate the possibility of resolving differences and finding optimum solutions. Silence and passiveness prevents open discussions whereby people can learn to understand their differences and come to realize there are better paths to living peaceful and fruitful lives.

The conclusion presented in this article is that Allah is referred to in plural terms, which is conclusively found to be a party of religious men.  Other articles will reveal that the Qur’an is the source of discontent in countries around the world and that Islamic religious leaders forcefully spread the religion of Islam in many countries. Their objective is to subjugate people around the world to become part of the Islamic community.  A unified group of people referred to as the ummah, which is the totality of Muslims that constitute the Islamic world (Seyyed Hossein Nasr, ISLAM, Religion, History and Civilization, page 15).

The Qur’an was read line-by-line, which enabled this author to draw verifiable conclusions.  It was translated by the honorable Muhammad Zafrulla Khan who served as foreign minister of Pakistan in 1947, became the president of the 17th Session of the UN General Assembly, and later became judge of the International Court of Justice at the Hague, of which court he became president.  This early translation of the Qur’an appeared in 1970 and was chosen as a reference to avoid the injection of political correctness employed in later translations by Islamic scholars.

The Qur’an identifies and sanctions a Party of Men

In Sura 3:105 (a chapter or section of the Qur’an) a party of men is explicitly identified and sanctioned to invite goodness, enjoin equity, and forbid evil.  This author refers to this party of men as the We Party.  They appear throughout the Qur’an under the plural terms, We, Our and Us.  Islamic religious leaders construe We, Our and Us as being Allah, the all-forgiving and merciful God.  In reality, they are a party of men, fanatical aggressors who are responsible for the destruction of many towns and the killing of innocent people in the name of Allah.  Imams, caliphs and mullahs are insistent that We, Our and Us is the one God Allah.  But the following suras (of many) clearly show it is the planned strategy of militants killing people while they are asleep at night or in the afternoon while at play.

Sura 7:5-7. Little is it that you heed. How many a town have We destroyed! Our punishment came upon their dwellers by night or while they slept at noon. When Our punishment came upon them all they could utter was: We are indeed wrongdoers.

Sura 7:97-100. We afflicted them suddenly with chastisement, while they perceived not the cause thereof. If the people of those towns had believed and been righteous, We would surely have bestowed blessings upon them from heaven and earth, but they rejected the Prophets, so We seized them because of that which they did. Do the people of these towns now feel secure against the coming of Our punishment upon them by night while they are asleep? Or, do they feel secure against the coming of Our punishment upon them in the forenoon while they are at play? Do they feel secure against the design of Allah? None feels secure against the design of Allah, except those that are losers.

Muslims are Commanded by Islamic Religious Leaders

The ruthlessness of fanatical Islamic terrorists, acting in the name of Allah, continues in many countries today. It is the Qur’an itself that is used as a medium of indoctrination to motivate Muslims to kill innocent men, women and children because they do not accept Allah as their God.  Below, the conclusion that a party of men directs Muslims to perform abominable crimes is clearly verified in the Qur’an.  It clearly reveals it is a religious leader of high rank that tells his army of men to draw on the wrath of Allah to kill disbelievers or hell shall be their abode.

Qur’an Sura 8:16-19. O ye who believe, when you encounter an hostile force of the disbelievers, turn not your backs on them. Whoso turns his back on them on such an occasion, unless maneuvering for battle or turning to join another company, shall draw upon himself the wrath of Allah and hell shall be his abode. An evil resort it is.

Thus on the day of Badr it was not you who slew them, but it was Allah who killed them; and it was not thou who didst throw gravel at their faces, but it was Allah Who threw it, that He might confer a great favour upon the believers. Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. That is so; and Allah will surely undermine the design of the disbelievers.

It is evident that the above sura was written by a commander as one reads of the strategy not to turn and run when encountering a hostile force unless it is necessary to maneuver for battle by turning and joining another company. But notice in the second paragraph that the commander uses his leadership to strengthen the resolve of his troops by stating “it was not you who slew them, but it was Allah who killed them.” Clearly, these are not the words of Allah but a commander or a powerful religious leader.

The commander’s technique of using Allah as sanctioning atrocities has been a successful form of brainwashing or leadership to convince his fighters that the killings were not through their own volition but by Allah, who supports and directs their cause. This mind trick is another way of convincing people that they are not responsible for their misdeeds but some outside force, which they attribute to God. But this thinking reminds us of the infantile answer made popular by one of our greatest comedians, Flip Wilson with, “The devil made me do that.”

To rationalize the killing of innocent people, the religious leader of the We Party tells his fighters that “it was not thou who didst throw gravel at their faces, but it was Allah Who threw it,” and, “that He might confer a great favor on the believers.” This mind trick by religious leaders allows them to make their followers obey their will by placing the act of murder on Allah. But think about it, would God kill His own creations for not worshipping Him? Is the all-forgiving and merciful God unpredictable by rescinding His command “Thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13)?”

The Qur’an is Used by Islamic Religious Leaders

It becomes apparent that a party of religious leaders are actively using the Qur’an to force the belief in Allah for the unification of Muslims and create a Theocratic Islamic Empire.

Are imams, caliphs and mullahs around the world actively raising their voices to prohibit fanatic parties of men from shedding the blood of disbelievers?  Or, are they indoctrinated, mesmerized, and entrenched in the dogma of the Qur’an whereby they are incapable of love, compassion, and forgiveness of those who follow another faith?

We must all pause and acknowledge that God has introduced Himself to people of many cultures and nations. His only desire is that human beings love one another–this was His last command to mankind, announced three times by a man of God, which in all its simplicity is the Word of God.

It is clear that although Judaic and Christian leaders of today recognize the folly of not implementing God’s last command given by Jesus in the Gospel of John, they have stopped killing and terrorizing nonbelievers in the name of God. Will Islamic religious leaders loudly proclaim today and tomorrow that there will be a halt to violence and terror and strongly impose the Word of God? It is hoped that tolerance, compassion, understanding, truthfulness, and love for our brothers and sisters will be acknowledged by Islamic religious leaders.

For Islamic leaders to continue on their present path of destruction by indoctrinating naïve, unsuspecting, and loving Muslims to kill in the name of God will only lead to more disorder, terror, killing of human lives, and possibly a long-term pollution of our earth caused by a war that unleashes nuclear bombs.  Intelligent, compassionate, and perceptive Islamic religious leaders must stop the insanity of terror and murder. Can they reach out to the religious leaders of the Judaic and Christian religions and together unify their beliefs and teach the Word of God?

Such a challenge takes courage, intellect, and loving hearts of Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religious leaders. The question remains, are there religious leaders, representatives of God, that will loudly proclaim they insist on unifying their belief in God and teach His greatest command, love one another, our brothers and sisters around the world?

This author would like your comments be they pro or con. Your thoughts may lead to recommendations that may make our world a happier and safer place. Do you agree with the following conclusion:

Allah is represented by a party of religious men referred to as We, Our and Us in the Qur’an.  For a comprehensive history of Islam and further verification of this conclusion, you may access a free read of the book, Allah, We, Our and Us by clicking on the following link:


This author believes that Muslims around the world who actively want peace to pressure their religious leaders to teach the Word of God.  It may be the most practical solution to avoid WW III.  Muslims who are educated perceive that the present path of Islam, directed by the words of the Qur’an, will lead to destruction of our earth and humanity.